J.K. Rowling



RT by @jk_rowling: The Islamic Republic of Iran killed this teenager because she was against compulsory hijab.
Her name was #SarinaEsmaeilzadeh, a 16-year-old girl who was killed on Sep 23 in Karaj as a result of baton blows from the security forces.

#MahsaAmini #سارینا_اسماعیل_زاده



RT by @jk_rowling: Isabelle Kerr MBE: Involved in a Crisis work for 40 years. A woman can no longer ask if they can get a woman to support her through her trauma. #WomensRally



This letter perfectly expresses the fury and determination of the Scottish women currently fighting to be heard by their government. It's addressed to our first female First Minister, @NicolaSturgeon. I sincerely hope she reads it.
#WomenDeserveBetter #WomenWontWheesht



And as if you needed telling, you rock too, @Daley_thompson, especially for the way you've raised your voice in defence of women's sport. Thank you.



RT by @jk_rowling: We the women of Iran don’t need Western politicians to just cut their hair, we want them to cut their ties with our murderers. This is what real solidarity looks like.

I told @FRANCE24.

Many teenagers got killed for the crime of protesting the murder of #MahsaAmini.



An important win for freedom of speech and a reminder that however much some would like to censor and silence feminist groups and speakers, the latter have the law on their side.
#WorthyOfRespect #FreedomOfSpeech



I say this as someone who's been on the liberal left all her adult life: own goals don't come any more spectacular than 'if you care about child safeguarding you must be right wing.'



R to @francesweetman: The crazy thing about this is, it's all been documented virtually minute to minute. Future historians won't be struggling to find out how this cultural moment happened: think how many books, blogs, videos, speeches and documentaries will be available to them.



R to @Tachardiella: People who believe their tribe could never, under any circumstances, make a mistake, are dangerous.



R to @RealBenSibley: This is where I draw the line. I don't even like Rolos.



R to @Lungbarrow1: Well, they're like mini Cadburys Caramels, aren't they? And I don't like CCs, either. Sickly, frankly.



R to @sharrond62: I did *not* have you down as someone who'd go on a cruise.



RT by @jk_rowling: Incredible scenes. Riot police uniting with protestors against the regime. #IranRevolution



RT by @jk_rowling: Another one gone. Peacefully protesting the death of #Mahsa_Amini beaten to death with blows to the head by security forces. #SarinaEsmailzadeh
This must stop now. #Iran #IranProtests #IranianWomen #IranRevolution2022