J.K. Rowling



R to @Laurenharrhy85: They were a refuge for me, too, and I never, ever fail to be moved when somebody tells me they found escape and comfort in them x



An important win for @joannacherry and a warning that venues may not discriminate against those who hold gender critical beliefs, which, as the Forstater v CGD case has already established, 'are worthy of respect in a democratic society'. Bravo Jo!



R to @ViburnumCatapus: It's really very nice. I'm surprised more people don't want to live in these giddy depths.



R to @GeosurveyorJohn: Trust me, the best thing about ageing is how few fs you have left to give.



RT by @jk_rowling: Joanna Cherry is a distinguished MP who has just asserted her right to speak on women's issues.
This is the response
@PoliceScotland? Any thoughts, you being so strong on hate crime?



R to @ImWatson91: I'm proud of you full stop and you can DM me any time. Also, the orchid's still alive. This is a record 🌱👍



My husband's only really cringed once so far, which might be a record. Being nowhere near as musical as he is, my tolerance for dodgy pitch is far higher. #Eurovision2023



The dog's sitting on the remote and will growl if asked to move, so he's resigned. #Eurovision2023



I really like Estonia and she's beautiful, but that train's giving me flashbacks to Fire Saga. #Eurovision2023