J.K. Rowling



"Part of Keen’s genius is that she doesn’t just allow women to speak; she forces pusillanimous politicians to." Fantastic piece by @HJoyceGender



Jo Cherry's completely right about modern McCarthyism. One of the most depressing things in this whole mess has been finding out how many people I formerly admired would have named names in a heartbeat.



RT by @jk_rowling: The Islamic Republic is failing to silence Iranian women.

Ever since the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic issued an order to punish women without hijab, the government has galvanized all of its forces to the field to persecute women. But what you see every day in the streets of Iran are pictures of brave girls without hijab. A complete failure for an anti-woman government.

#WomanLifeFreedom #MahsaAmini‌



Funnily enough, quite a few people have told me they were peaked by this old piece in Vox. So thanks, Vox, I suppose, but thank you, too, to @Rob_ThaBuilder for his eloquent dissection of the way clickbaity sites like this seek to mislead and misrepresent.



RT by @jk_rowling: This is an important thread &, being the editor of the journal which published this piece in September 2020, I recall well what it cost Jenny Lindsay to write it. Scottish culture has rapidly become, particularly for courageous women, punitive & viciously misogynistic.



RT by @jk_rowling: Two prisoners in Iran are going to be executed on charges of blasphemy tomorrow morning. #Youssef_Mehrad and #Sadrollah_Fazeli_Zare are two innocent people who are going to be hanged by the Islamic Republic. I call all international human rights organizations to stop this execution.
@hrw @amnestyusa



RT by @jk_rowling: Baran Kosari, a famous Iranian actress, appeared in public without the mandatory hijab. Although several Iranian actresses were threatened and jailed for removing the headscarf, the civil disobedience of Iranian women against the Islamic Republic continues.



R to @repairfairy: That's a very lovely thing read after six hours solid work on Strike 8!



RT by @jk_rowling: That's strange, Nash, because in my 30+ years of being transsexual the vast majority of 'GC' women have been nothing but respectful to me, even @Docstockk, who you pathetically portray as a pantomime villain. I count many as my friends and several have come on my guided walks.



R to @Charlot93029442: I'm not quite sure where you're coming from on this, because radical feminists have stood with me throughout, and I with them. If you imagine I want feminism defeated, you've grossly misunderstood my position.



R to @GreenCorrie: I was told that story by a veteran and it made me roar laughing.



RT by @jk_rowling: 🧵My solicitor’s letter to @StandComedyClub in respect of their unlawful discrimination against me & a media statement are attached. I have a supporting Opinion from the eminent & leading #HumanRights advocate Aidan O’Neill KC which I will post separately 1/2



R to @Strobe_Lightly: No dying, please, María, but thank you for standing up for women’s rights. This particular woman appreciates it hugely 😘



RT by @jk_rowling: 📢 The general secretary of the University and College Union (@ucu), Dr Jo Grady, has agreed to pay me substantial damages and costs after publishing a serious libel about me. All damages will be donated to groups campaigning to defend women's sex-based rights. My statement. ⬇️



RT by @jk_rowling: I won! ✨

I took my employer #Papillon to court, after they fired me for questioning societal shifts in how sex and gender are understood, medicated and regulated.

Legal team @BirtheEriksen1 @birtar @tilnils

#WORIADS #Forstater