J.K. Rowling



R to @MsLMG79: Yesterday I wrote an email so incendiary I could smell the burning plastic as I typed. Then I deleted it. Never dreamed being an adult would involve so much relentless pounding of backspace.



RT by @jk_rowling: Today, Iran's judiciary confirmed the death sentences of three more Iranian protesters, #MajidKazemi, #SaeedYaghoobi & #SalehMirhashemi. Their executions could come at any moment.

A few months ago, a large number of other protesters were similarly condemned to death but in the end five were actually executed. The other executions were stopped by the intervention of representatives of western countries and people like you.

We Iranian people call on you, leaders of western countries and members of their parliaments to stop the executions of these three innocent young men. We need your help to save their lives.

#WomanLifeFreedom #MahsaAmini



Logic a nine-year-old could demolish.
A) Dogs bark
B) This isn't barking, therefore
C) This isn't a dog



R to @jk_rowling: Overnight I've been sent many versions of

A) Not all dogs bark.
B) Cats don't bark.
C) Therefore a cat can be a dog because
D) there's more to being a dog than barking.

Thank you very much. This sheds an entirely new light on the matter.





R to @jk_rowling: I like to think the reasoned debate currently happening in my mentions is the kind of conversation the Nobel Committee have when they get together.



RT by @jk_rowling: Hosein Hoseinpour lost one of his eyes in Iran's popular protests when he was shot by Islamic Republic forces. Today he has announced on his Instagram page that the authorities will not allow him to undergo eye surgery and treatment. He wrote, "You took my eyes, now you won't let me treat my eyes?" This is an example of the pain the protesters in Iran experience daily.



R to @SuperkingPatC: Pat, you've got so many good moments to come. Thanks for adhering to the NDA, though.



R to @starshipsailorx: I really hope reality gets easier to bear. You never know what's round the corner. Sometimes it's something magnificent x



R to @a1ways_green: Feels wrong favouriting tweets like this, because I'm so sorry you had a horrible childhood. But if Hogwarts helped, I'm truly glad x



R to @maur_jo: I’m so very sorry for your loss. The whole series was coloured by my own mother’s death, and it was only later that I saw how much that bereavement underpins the whole story. Sending you love x



R to @dlupdyke: That's a fabulous thing to hear. Please say hello to your son from me! x