J.K. Rowling



"For voicing my concerns about gender-affirming care for minors, I have been called a transphobic bigot. If that’s what speaking out against the medicalisation of homosexuality makes me, then so be it." @benappel, on the new homophobia. Homophobia in drag



My one-year-old son just looked up from Twitter and said, 'Mummy, why have you made these very real children sad with your heinous yet unevidenced bigotry?' Then he ran upstairs and burned all his Potter books. I was so damn ashamed I almost forgot the kid was imaginary.



R to @Casualnaming: My all-time favourite, which I wish I'd saved, was one where the sender had ill-advisedly strayed from the template, and called his imaginary child (who cries for ten minutes every time I tweet) a son and then a daughter within the same tweet. #transphobic



RT by @jk_rowling: According to the family of Iranian protesters, the Islamic Republic is going to execute three innocent protesters, Majid Kazemi, Saleh Mirhashmi and Saeed Yaqoubi tomorrow morning. They are at imminent risk of execution and their life is in danger. Be their voice!



RT by @jk_rowling: #InternationalDayOfFamilies is an opportunity to recognise the importance of our own families, and to lift up the families of others that sometimes need a helping hand.

You can help us make that difference today with a donation to our Spring Appeal: Welcome to our Family Appeal - Lumos



R to @NeallM: Wish her a huge happy birthday from me, and send my love to her wonderful big sister too! x



RT by @jk_rowling: The video I just received shows that many people went in front of Isfahan prison to try to prevent the execution of three Iranian protesters. Please be the voice of these three innocent young people and don't let the Islamic Republic execute them.



R to @LittleHardman: And I'll write the blurb, photocopy it and send it back the original😉



RT by @jk_rowling: Majid Kazemi’s mother grieving over his grave. She had begged the authorities to spare his 30-year-old life.

Majid was executed in Isfahan today, May 19 after a sham trial and being tortured to force him to make self-incriminating statements on video that was then blasted on state TV.

Fellow protesters Saeed Yaghoubi, 37, and Saleh Mirhashemi, 36 were also executed: More Executions of Protesters in Iran Imminent after Sham Trials.

#Iran #StopExecutionsinIran



R to @VineMissde: Ah, I wish I could tell you. Just be careful down there. You never know who - or what - you might meet.



R to @LindsayMLand: The only way to know for sure whether Strike would like it is for you to send it to me so I can eat all of it. (He does have cake in #TheRunningGrave).



Trying to decide between different proposed covers for your new novel? Here's a good tip: ask family members which one they prefer. They'll vehemently disagree and you'll end up so confused you no longer know what you like and let your editor choose 👍