Jack Monroe - Bootstrapcook



R to @BootstrapCook: Thank you Jack all good just about to head out into the green house to get the first feed into the tomatoes and the one wee cucumber plant we have . 👍



R to @grannymoonboots: Hope you’re well GMB, I think of both you and @long_covid often and try to send fond thoughts and best luck across the ether to you both x



R to @BootstrapCook: Can you fing IMAGINE trying to ‘advise’ a perpetually randy yeti with a penchant for blustering, lies, narcissistic grandiosity (and the highest office in the land just to keep things a bit spicy?) Keeping tabs on how many kids to send birthday cards and/or vehemently forget the existence of would be a full time job alone ffs.



R to @BootstrapCook: (For the perpetually aggrieved - this is not an endorsement of the peerage system, which I vocally despise for many reasons; but a mildly light musing on a routinely chaotic + thoroughly despicable man. Pop your pitchfork down for a sec babs, your poor arms must be so very tired)



R to @BootstrapCook: I don’t know the minutiae of her job (and we’re probably entirely politically ideologically opposed; unlikely to have sleepovers/plait each others hair/gossip about the Overton Window anytime soon) … but I do know I wouldn’t trade a single day for one in her cursed shoes, no matter what the reward was at the end of it!



R to @BootstrapCook: She will be able to claim at least £1500 per week for the rest of her life, plus expenses, all for putting up with Johnson. As Larry David would say "Pretty pretty good"



R to @B31Bowden: You are overlooking the fact that this thread was a joke about how all the money in the world wouldn’t be enough to work for that man…



R to @BootstrapCook: You are overlooking the fact that she chose to do this & was paid for it.
If I was going to award someone £350/day for life (of someone else's money), it would need to be for more than 'she did her job (well)'.
Nobody should get an honour for doing their day job. Whatever it is



Dunno why everyone’s up in arms about Charlotte Owen’s peerage; IMHO anyone who worked in close proximity quietly dealing with Johnson’s lurching wreckage for years frankly deserves a sainthood.



R to @GETucker1: It’s taken over three decades to allow myself to believe I ~can~ have it. And that was probably the biggest barrier to finding it; getting in my own way all the time.

Too complex for a tweet but I do plan to write properly on this one day, and hope it’s helpful to someone. Be kind to yourself - you are worthy of mutually respectful, supportive, loving, joyful, enriching friendships. 🥰

Take care and DM if you ever need to chat - my inbox is a bin fire and replies aren’t immediate (think old fashioned snail mail pen pal rather than todays ‘always on call’ mentality!) - but you don’t ever need to feel alone 🥰



R to @Jon_Waples: Just passing on the kindness that has been shown to me many many times when I’ve felt this way x



Proud to call this person a friend and to be scampering in their very large footprints along the road to recovery. Their candidness about the realities of addiction, humility, and tireless service to others has helped innumerable people - do maybe give them a follow 💕



You have probably heard by now that I did not attend the court hearing today. This was following the recorded, direct, specific advice of the courts. I have proactively consulted with and communicated with the courts and Police, kept extensive records of communication, and made several attempts to pay the litigator long before today, of which I also have clear and true records.

I am fully aware of the potential consequences of my decision, and have faith that justice will be done - and that the truth will out.



R to @graeme_parr: I won’t be doing that, but Thankyou for your kind and precious heart. 💕



R to @BootstrapCook: Sorry not been well and unaware of the situation. I am sure i speak for many in voicing support for Ccc you. If crowdfunding needed for bills why not try? I will donate and I am a pensioner.