Jack Monroe - Bootstrapcook



You don't need to justify yourself like this. We were all with you when you said the Lee Anderson libel money is going to a foodbank.



R to @brierly_alice: I can’t send something to someone who doesn’t provide an address. The signup process is incredibly simple, and the person in question is literally a software engineer so can’t really plead ignorance about filling in an online form… Plus… two days between signing up and threatening legal action should tell you he literally planned this from the off. Wasn’t even 48 hours apart ffs.



R to @Dr_RonMoore: Funny how many of you oddballs turn out to be raging transphobes, isn’t it? The Venn diagram of ‘people obsessed with making up s about me on Twitter’ and ‘people obsessed with transphobic s on their timelines’ is pretty much a full circle at this point. ⭕



R to @DrNeelie: 🤣🤣🤣 "the truth"

They wouldn't know what that was if it bit them on the backside



R to @MartinDaubney: It’s embarrassing how obsessed with me you are, Martin. Embarrassing, I mean, for both of us.



R to @HollandDiabetes: It’s not personal. Sunk cost fallacy - they’ve emotionally invested so hard in this fictional villain narrative where they hate the character that they’ve invented, that they’re never ever going to climb down from it now. I have to remember that they don’t KNOW me, that they actually hate someone who literally doesn’t exist outside of their own imaginations. Sorry you got caught in the crossfire - look after yourself! X



R to @BootstrapCook: I’ve had a few since my comments too but I really don’t care. 😊



R to @downwithcheese: Person Does Exactly What They Said They Were Going To Do is admittedly shocking in todays political climate, no wonder they’re in a spin about it



R to @BootstrapCook: I just can’t get my head around the fact they’re crying so hard about you donating money to a food bank… 🤷🏼‍♀️



R to @brianmoore666: Thankyou. It’s been a very difficult few days (weeks/months/years!) and your kind words are a balm for my sore heart. Keep on keeping on, pal, you’re good stuff x



R to @BootstrapCook: Thank you and remember this - because you are a naturally open and giving person, that does not mean you have to bare your soul for people who wish you ill.



R to @Chairman_Ben: Long walks with a big dog, and frequently putting my phone on flight mode and shoving it in a drawer!



R to @BootstrapCook: Union Jack in username, immediately disregard.

Don’t know how you put up with it all



One of my favourite things about adulthood is deciding to buy and roast an entire chicken just to leave in the fridge to pick at for snacks, just because you want to. I don’t have much nailed in this life, but that one makes me feel like I’m winning every time.



R to @1st5things: It really is! I do it so rarely, and usually use the breast and leg meat for something bigger, but picking the bones clean over the course of a couple of days is SUCH a treat.