Jack Monroe - Bootstrapcook



R to @HelloitsLux: Because whatever I say, people like you won’t believe me anyway. No proof will ever be enough proof when people are determined to believe in conspiracy theories and lies, so I’m prioritising my peace over your silly games.



R to @mouldyscone: And why the secrecy about how much. Say x was donated and x was how much I passed on. Because really she’s saying a whole lot of nothing.



To be fair you could just black out the names and post the proof then that would be the end of it. Won’t take very long seeings how it was so little… 😬.



R to @RachelJMorton: ‘Every accusation contains a confession’ is something I am finding out to be very, very prescient…



R to @BootstrapCook: People like that don't recognise decency when they see it, coz they just don't see it that often.



R to @BootstrapCook: Are the police actually doing anything ? .what the hell is wrong with people .must be the sad lives they are " living" . I honestly don't know what your post is about ...it seems as I've learnt .the more you help people .when you start saying NO .they turn on you .it's hard



Wishing @BootstrapCook well and wish I could send her my support. Twitter can be a vile place. If any one that follows me and follows her please send her my support.



R to @LeeAndersonMP_: Is it the reading or the comprehension that you’re struggling with on this one here, Lee? I let you off the hook once - walked away from a surefire win for me and an almost guaranteed obliteration for you and your cronies - but that doesn’t give you a free pass for life to continue to use Twitter to hound and harass me, or anyone else. Take good care, have a nice life, and perhaps spend your time serving the constituents and taxpayers who pay your wages and expenses, rather than spending their money on abusing someone in very poor health for your own entertainment.



I see Lee Anderson wants a second bite at the cherry this morning. If I added up the square footage of all of the grubby little heads that I live in rent free, I’d have a motherfucking mansion.



R to @Bolan71: Thanks B x (Have been keeping an eye out for you every time I get the bus!)



R to @BootstrapCook: do Jack. This is awful. Local and willing to help in any way if needed.



R to @HollandDiabetes: I’m not okay, but I have some absolutely rock solid friends who aren’t leaving me alone for a moment between them. I’ll get there. X



R to @LeeAndersonMP_: I’d like to know if @BootstrapCook is ok after all the trolling . Please leave her alone.



Simple question Jack. How much money was donated to fight the libel case against me that never happened? I'm sure Twitter would like to know.



R to @Dr_RonMoore: That’s not what the ‘legal battle’ is about. The ‘legal battle’ is a guy who signed up to Patreon on the 7th of January (middle of a billing cycle) and then threatened legal action for non delivery of goods on the 9th, 2 days later (goods weren’t due until 4th feb, and the guy actually opted OUT of receiving physical rewards anyway, and didn’t provide a postal address…) It shouldn’t have got this far, but I’m pretty crap at opening my post, so didn’t clock it in time to stop it. It’s tedious and a colossal waste of the courts time and resources, especially as the original claim was brought on false grounds, but they are fully aware of that now. And abuse of the judicial system is taken quite seriously, so I wouldn’t really like to be that guy when this all unravels.

As for the libel case donations, see my timeline.

Facts matter. Have a lovely day. Try not to spend much more of it being entirely wrong on the internet, when you could literally be doing anything else.



R to @brianmoore666: Thankyou Brian, and apologies in advance for the storm that will follow you sticking your head above the parapet; I appear to have a swarm of pests that follow me around the internet at the moment… 😬