jodie-leigh @deadringxr

Apr 1, 2024
ngl i’m shocked i never expected her to be lying about her disabilities i just thought she was a b not a liar and a con artist, but the saying she has 32 illnesses i’m sorry but that’s a bit far fetched… but i think we’ve all seen who she really is and that’s a liar and a deceiver
That is a little crazy, I am not sure I believe this 32 illnesses.
I am very on the fence.
That is a lot, I think that might be a little push.
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Feb 28, 2024
I mean surely if she was suffering that bad there would be a community nurse and OT coming out to assess the property, and a support worker to help? I mean as long as she wasn't also using these disabilities for money or stuff. I know there are some twisted people who use their disabilities to get what they want from people. Again, im not hating just questioning and observing 🧐
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Apr 1, 2024
I mean surely if she was suffering that bad there would be a community nurse and OT coming out to assess the property, and a support worker to help? I mean as long as she wasn't also using these disabilities for money or stuff. I know there are some twisted people who use their disabilities to get what they want from people. Again, im not hating just questioning and observing 🧐
With 32 illnesses you would be not really functioning.
Dosed up!
Like I am sure you would have a worker in to help you function as a human.
I know she mentions her business and that she is disabled creator.
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Feb 28, 2024
Hello everyone.

I don’t mind what you think of me personally, being a b etc etc. Not everyone likes everyone, it’s your opinion and all I ask is if I’ve directly done anything to you, message me on real accounts and we can talk about things that I may have done to upset you 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m happy to talk and if apologises are owed, I’ll give them.

I was never in plm, never in plm servers. I was trolled by them. The “active member” comment I said was in response to someone making out I’m still plm. I never have been? You’re listening to trolls.

What I don’t like is the fact that my tribunal case is being spun and people are putting narratives down that aren’t true. My employer tried to lie about knowing I was disabled from my interview date and it was conceded (meaning now admitting to something they denied).
What I went through in those years and the case isn’t anyone’s business. I’m fully aware it’s public, but you don’t know every gritty detail of things and what myself and others went through.
I never said I won that case btw, it was something else that also is of no one’s business tbh.
And I’ve never taken any other job to tribunal I’m not sure where that came from?
Ultimately there wasn’t enough black and white proof to say what I physically went through. I was advised by them to take it to higher tribunal in London and after 3 years I was too drained and unwell. I let go to focus on myself.

Anyway, the thing that’s really getting to me is all the accusations of me lying about my health.
I think the fact I’m having to physically prove I’m disabled is sickening because you’re all going after me on this matter for what?
What have I actually done to you personally to warrant this right now?
I have no idea where this 32 illnesses bullshit has come from and I’ve asked for information on it but I’m as confused as everyone else is on that matter tbh.
So I have these and a bunch more digitalised because they had to be. I still have a box of paperwork to go through and scan that I haven’t been able to do so.
I talk about things when I feel comfortable and safe to do so, that’s a mistake I won’t be making again.

I have had live long health issues that I was always ashamed of and in adult years felt confident and happy to open up and feel good about myself because at the end of the day I cant change the brain and body I’m in.
Being accused of all sorts doesn’t have me in a good place, someone had me on the phone as I was hyperventilating coming of the live last night.
I’ve had all sorts of stuff triggered for me.
This is private info I shouldn’t have to feel forced to show.

So bear with me on things. I’m used to shutting down at times like this. I was going to reply to things individually all through the thread but realised how impossible that is. But just ask away and I’ll try answer things as I can 😊

* will only let me at 10 at a time so need a p2 on adding some more photos that’s all


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Feb 28, 2024
Hello everyone.

I don’t mind what you think of me personally, being a b etc etc. Not everyone likes everyone, it’s your opinion and all I ask is if I’ve directly done anything to you, message me on real accounts and we can talk about things that I may have done to upset you 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m happy to talk and if apologises are owed, I’ll give them.

I was never in plm, never in plm servers. I was trolled by them. The “active member” comment I said was in response to someone making out I’m still plm. I never have been? You’re listening to trolls.

What I don’t like is the fact that my tribunal case is being spun and people are putting narratives down that aren’t true. My employer tried to lie about knowing I was disabled from my interview date and it was conceded (meaning now admitting to something they denied).
What I went through in those years and the case isn’t anyone’s business. I’m fully aware it’s public, but you don’t know every gritty detail of things and what myself and others went through.
I never said I won that case btw, it was something else that also is of no one’s business tbh.
And I’ve never taken any other job to tribunal I’m not sure where that came from?
Ultimately there wasn’t enough black and white proof to say what I physically went through. I was advised by them to take it to higher tribunal in London and after 3 years I was too drained and unwell. I let go to focus on myself.

Anyway, the thing that’s really getting to me is all the accusations of me lying about my health.
I think the fact I’m having to physically prove I’m disabled is sickening because you’re all going after me on this matter for what?
What have I actually done to you personally to warrant this right now?
I have no idea where this 32 illnesses bullshit has come from and I’ve asked for information on it but I’m as confused as everyone else is on that matter tbh.
So I have these and a bunch more digitalised because they had to be. I still have a box of paperwork to go through and scan that I haven’t been able to do so.
I talk about things when I feel comfortable and safe to do so, that’s a mistake I won’t be making again.

I have had live long health issues that I was always ashamed of and in adult years felt confident and happy to open up and feel good about myself because at the end of the day I cant change the brain and body I’m in.
Being accused of all sorts doesn’t have me in a good place, someone had me on the phone as I was hyperventilating coming of the live last night.
I’ve had all sorts of stuff triggered for me.
This is private info I shouldn’t have to feel forced to show.

So bear with me on things. I’m used to shutting down at times like this. I was going to reply to things individually all through the thread but realised how impossible that is. But just ask away and I’ll try answer things as I can 😊

* will only let me at 10 at a time so need a p2 on adding some more photos that’s all


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Feb 28, 2024
There’s literally health assessments and letters from medical professionals?! The other letters are to show what teams I’m under

These are all private information I do not have to share? I could have closed down everything and blocked everyone. I don’t have to be here right now but I am. Just be a little kinder at least.
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Apr 1, 2024
Sincerely from receptionist no name?Reminder letters of you not attending? No mention of BPD? No mention of OCD, No mention of PTSD and ADHD isnt there?. Most of these “notes” before your tribunal in which you was found by law to have lied about your “conditions” to your employment?. None of these letter are diagnoses you have a list in which most people receive pain management however seems as though there is alot missing in that list you stated to have?. Unfortunately your list still dosnt contain everything you have claimed to have and “truma dumped” when not having them.
Feb 28, 2024
I have referrals for bloods for cancer checks doesnt mean i have it. It’s standard testing the doctors have to do to rule things out. And not one of us stated about "another" company tribunal? Both links were for lush
I have referrals for bloods for cancer checks doesnt mean i have it. Its standard testing the doctors have to do to rule things out. And not one of us stated about "another" company tribunal? Both links were for lush
My comment was in regards to this


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Mar 31, 2024
None of your business
There’s literally health assessments and letters from medical professionals?! The other letters are to show what teams I’m under

These are all private information I do not have to share? I could have closed down everything and blocked everyone. I don’t have to be here right now but I am. Just be a little kinder at least.
Health assessments doesn’t mean you have them. Means they are investigating. There’s no diagnosis. You have to be under these teams during assessments as they are the ones who would assess you. They prove nothing?
Apr 1, 2024
There’s literally health assessments and letters from medical professionals?! The other letters are to show what teams I’m under

These are all private information I do not have to share? I could have closed down everything and blocked everyone. I don’t have to be here right now but I am. Just be a little kinder at least.
We are not being unkind.
We are pointing out you are sending out your referrals which looks like you have had to be reminded about.
In your tribunal write up is a law order and they have seen no official documents.
Stating the obvious to an observation.


Mar 27, 2024
There’s literally health assessments and letters from medical professionals?! The other letters are to show what teams I’m under

These are all private information I do not have to share? I could have closed down everything and blocked everyone. I don’t have to be here right now but I am. Just be a little kinder at least.
Letters of referral, Microsoft templates and letters for pip don't prove anything, there's no mention diagnosis of anything apart from fibro (which is a diagnosis of a process of elimination of other conditions), as well as a lot of other conditions you've said you got diagnosed with not being on any letters as diagnosed with.
You can be under teams for investigation but that doesn't prove you got diagnosed with anything
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Feb 28, 2024
Was about to say, these are all dated prior to the tribunal. Even the latest documents were 2 months BEFORE the tribunal had been updated by the judge itself. The reserved judgement is stated from April 2021 in which that second photo was there final conclusion.


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Feb 28, 2024
We are not being unkind.
We are pointing out you are sending out your referrals which looks like you have had to be reminded about.
In your tribunal write up is a law order and they have seen no official documents.
Stating the obvious to an observation.
No you are.

There’s more than just referrals.
In the tribunal, not that it’s any of your businesses but being transparent - the company denied knowing about my health and in the 3 years went from denying to conceding after all my evidence