Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 27, 2023
“Go clean your home” 😱 She doesn’t clean, she just constantly puts stuff away and tidies around. You can just imagine her house (sorry her landlord’s house) stinks of dog, fags, cooking, damp washing and all kind of synthetic air fresheners trying to mask the above….. 👃 🤢
Dont forget sage! She thinks she can defeat us by wafting burning herbs around her house 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️


Jul 15, 2023
Wet Wang
@Yamfoot Actually, it’s the neon HUSTLE sign on the headboard for me …..

No matter how much you make on OF, some people just can’t buy class


My face upon seeing her bedroom accessories


Apr 16, 2023
I’ve had to do a bit of reading for work tonight for a bloody project I’ve been hoodwinked into, all about behaviours & personalities. My first topic is narcissistic personality disorder & honestly it’s like the chapter was wrote about KK! I know you’re reading here big lass, get yourself some introspective awareness & it will benefit yourself, your kids & improve your life!
Apr 12, 2023
My other half just gained himself a fat blowey after I showed him her stories 🤣🤣
Went like ‘why is she only polishing and cleaning that time of day, you’ve usually done that before the girls are up’ 💀
‘Why does she think we live in a crack den? Who told her that?’ 🤷🏽‍♀️
‘WHATS THAT FAKE LV PILLOW IN THE BACKGROUND? Babe never post something like that on your main stories!’ 🙏🏽
‘The men who pay to see her tits are the same kind who turn up to work in the morning stinking of beer and piss’ 💀
And my absolute favourite ‘can you stop showing me now, I don’t know why you put me through all this!’ i
My husband banned me from showing him anything to do with her, said she turns his stomach, makes him feel sick and reminds him of a girl who he had to sit next to in high school who smelt of tuna sandwiches 🤣🤣
Apr 16, 2023
So she's woken up and spent however long obsessing and making tiktoks over yam again? So weird guys. So fing weird. She's like a broken fing record, no amount of trying to bother other people will take away from the fact she's an obese fing hog pig, who neglects Ted and Cheese, whose cheated on Dan with multiple men so much so that he found our via STI and pregnancy tests being found. She's allowed countless men into her kids home, one whose name she didn't even know and probably still doesn't know, while they were there and he approached aggressively! Otherwise we all know she'd doxx him to high heavens, if she knew who he was by now. She has no friends. No family. No life. Anyone and everyone she's doxxed so far looks like they have amazing lives and families, friends, happiness and what stings the most to KKK. Money. Money she doesn't have. Money she has to degrade herself to recieve, and even then its only enough for some savers long life milk. do off KKK. You're tragic.
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May 23, 2023
KK you big ugly orange elephant I said it before and I’ll say once more…if I cared what people thought about the state of my nitty den I wouldn’t photograph it, open an app, add said photo, type a caption over it and then press post.
You see when you’re secure within yourself the opinions of others - specially strangers online - means nothing to you. Makes you not feel the need to have multiple anon accounts, makes you happy with the single personality you’ve been born with. Makes it easier to create and maintain relationships and careers and just genuinely makes you somebody to be infinitely jealous of, to the point people actually take the time to make a TikTok about you. I just hope it understand how much entertainment this is giving us all 🤣🤣🤣
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