Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Jun 5, 2023
But kk doesn’t like when anybody talks about her kids… so she says disgusting racist things about peoples babies. So it’s fine and well when she says anything but anything we might say, we’re hypocrites. Got it 🤣
Oh you can prove she did that can you ? Solid proof? Because where I'm sitting you've guessed almost 95 percent of the users in here as Kayleigh . Dickhead.


Jun 5, 2023
I agree. She was a little bit different and a bit of a laugh to start with. But she went full nasty with some people. Part of the problem was that she was encouraged by her 'insta friends'. Then she ends up falling out with them. I think the only friend she still has is that weirdo Alison who seems to have taken on the role of 'mother' - this woman was in EVERYONE'S inbox back in the day but decided that everyone apart from KK was the problem. I'd love to know what pearls of wisdom she gives to KK because it seems like its no good.
Can we snap back to 2023 and stop living in 2017 please. Cheers. Its old tea and over brewed Boring as do tea from years ago.

Funny though isn't it your being almost everything your portraying her to be if not NASTIER.

What has Alison ever done to you for you to judge her as you just have ? She's a 'weirdo' because she speaks to people online and messages them ? are you feeling OK hun?


Apr 17, 2023
Apr 16, 2023
She is the biggest troll they’ll ever be, she absolutely loves it 🤯

Imagine you’re that lonely and have zero RL mates you have to create fake accounts to feel empowered because no one in RL will do it 😂😂😂😂😂

Not just because no one in RL would do it but because she couldn't face a single one of us, or anyone else she's trolled and harassed in RL face to face! What a sad little life KKK🥰
This Ignore button is going to kill her, she thrives on attention 😂

Anyway A cups please do ignore her, I’m off out got a date with my Husband who came home early to take me out 🥰

Have the best evening! No early day for my OH as we are saving to fund our more than 3 hour holiday but I will be doing all the things KKK can't and won't tonight such as cooking in date, branded food and helping my sproglet with homework rather than shoving the ipad down!
Yeah smoking pics look so wicked, when you're 12 and trying to impress your mates 😂 since when did cancer become cool? Still chasing this "better life" .... clearly no where near there with your smart price pizza but okay.


Jun 5, 2023
yes there was proof that kk was racist about yams kids. Evidence that Kayleigh herself posted on to her own stories when she was pissed up. Dickhead 🤣
Oh the evidence of her talking to a tattle account, the evidence of that tatler account saying they were going to come here and stir up s ? And what given point did this prove that 1 Kayleigh was Ivy and was a racist to Jodie ? Do you see how shambolic, ludicrous and damn right stupid your factless accusations are. Atleast have some substance when your going to accuse someone of being a racist .

Please elaborate on your bizzare way of thinking .


Jun 5, 2023
Imagine her putting the effort she's putting into her 440505th account into shutting her mouth, saving, researching for the best deals and booking the kids to go abroad. Spend some real quality time with them rather than on her phone being a hateful fat t. Does she really have no goals other than hoarding food and applying fake tan 🤔 sad
Why don't you put this much effort into this as what your preaching she should do , instead of sat on a trolling site calling a woman 'fat' like the mature grown up that you are .

What's sad is how your so invested in a woman who you so clearly hate 🤣🤣 that's what's sad.


May 2, 2023
Ok hun , so what I posted I just plucked out of thin air and for no reason right ?

Brilliant 👏
Erm…yeah you did. Cos if you read the post, EVERYTHING 👏 I 👏 WROTE 👏 IS 👏 STILL 👏 THERE 👏

You accused me of changing what I wrote to say bastards or some other inane s you’re chatting, when I never. You fing absolute head the ball. Is it hard inside your head? Do you get confused easily? Do you need a little notepad to stay on top of everything? What about daily living, do you struggle?

fing hell fire.


Jun 5, 2023
Erm…yeah you did. Cos if you read the post, EVERYTHING 👏 I 👏 WROTE 👏 IS 👏 STILL 👏 THERE 👏

You accused me of changing what I wrote to say bastards or some other inane s you’re chatting, when I never. You fing absolute head the ball. Is it hard inside your head? Do you get confused easily? Do you need a little notepad to stay on top of everything? What about daily living, do you struggle?

fing hell fire.
'Head the ball '?? Seems to me your the only confused one .
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