Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 21, 2023
Only accusations off the neighbour, who hasn’t been here for some time and we don’t even know if it was the neighbour.
Yeah she does have men in her house which could be dangerous. But it’s the same for everyone you meet. You could be dating someone for years who could be lying and turns out to be monster.
If you’ve got concerns then fair enough, you do what you thinks best, but to hound ss for every thing that you read and hear is strange behaviour.
Aug 12, 2023
At end of the day that's all it is accusations... Agree with the men thing but I don't believe KK would put her kids at risk knowingly idk just the social services thing is ridiculous hounding them and for what so the kids get removed or something would that make people happy? Don't agree with her behaviour but she loves her kids and wasting ss time because of made up or accusations online is ridiculous and poor evil. I remember when the lad was either at school or nursery and she changed the school because of I think she wasn't happy with how they were dealing with him. Would a good parent do that? Anyway no point people falling out over it everyone's got their own opinion I guess

Lous Alexa

Apr 16, 2023
I personally feel anyone is entitled to make reports if they feel the need. Always go with your gut. However what I do find stupid is announcing you are doing so on a public forum. If you were making reports about someone who you don’t discuss on a public forum would you contact them and make them aware of the report you are making against them? I don’t think so. That gives them a chance to cover up. So do what you want or feel the need to do, but don’t be announcing it on here is my opinion.

I am very suspicious about the account. It all gives a great story for the sun doesn’t it?
May 23, 2023
I personally feel anyone is entitled to make reports if they feel the need. Always go with your gut. However what I do find stupid is announcing you are doing so on a public forum. If you were making reports about someone who you don’t discuss on a public forum would you contact them and make them aware of the report you are making against them? I don’t think so. That gives them a chance to cover up. So do what you want or feel the need to do, but don’t be announcing it on here is my opinion.

I am very suspicious about the account. It all gives a great story for the sun doesn’t it?
Yeah I reckon most of her personalities are only on here for Sun content, the sad t


Aug 13, 2023
Yeah, I kinda agree to what others have said…

Absolutely- there has been red flags when it’s came down to her parenting choices.

Do I think those children will be removed though? No I don’t.

I do truly believe Kayleigh is on some type of Social services plan, you don’t just randomly have a social worker text you at 7pm in the evening. That was either KK herself, or she’s been assigned a SW previously who’s in the background keeping an eye on things.

I’m far from a fan of KK. But I do believe these children are loved, have food (as questionable as their diets are) and have a clean bed to sleep in and clothes to wear.

Do I agree with men being around them or in her house? ABSOLUTELY NOT. But, I’m guessing it’s no different in meeting a partner and finding out they are dodgy later down the line (let’s be fair, people like that don’t come and tell you that they’re a wrongen or a liar do they)

I personally, wouldn’t ever report KK. Not because I like her, or agree with what she does, but I truly feel that constant reports are just going to be going in her favour. Social workers have the right to mark future reports as malicious and refuse to even look into it. That could be something really wrong going amiss!

If you feel it needs reporting, do it. Crack on, but in my opinion it’ll only go in KKs favour down the line.
Aug 12, 2023
If you feel a child is genuinely at risk absolutely report it but to announce on a public forum just because you have a hatred towards someone you've not met and saying you've contacted them ten times is a bit much she's obviously got SS involved so what's the need in keeping contact with them
Yeah, I kinda agree to what others have said…

Absolutely- there has been red flags when it’s came down to her parenting choices.

Do I think those children will be removed though? No I don’t.

I do truly believe Kayleigh is on some type of Social services plan, you don’t just randomly have a social worker text you at 7pm in the evening. That was either KK herself, or she’s been assigned a SW previously who’s in the background keeping an eye on things.

I’m far from a fan of KK. But I do believe these children are loved, have food (as questionable as their diets are) and have a clean bed to sleep in and clothes to wear.

Do I agree with men being around them or in her house? ABSOLUTELY NOT. But, I’m guessing it’s no different in meeting a partner and finding out they are dodgy later down the line (let’s be fair, people like that don’t come and tell you that they’re a wrongen or a liar do they)

I personally, wouldn’t ever report KK. Not because I like her, or agree with what she does, but I truly feel that constant reports are just going to be going in her favour. Social workers have the right to mark future reports as malicious and refuse to even look into it. That could be something really wrong going amiss!

If you feel it needs reporting, do it. Crack on, but in my opinion it’ll only go in KKs favour down the line


Aug 13, 2023
If you feel a child is genuinely at risk absolutely report it but to announce on a public forum just because you have a hatred towards someone you've not met and saying you've contacted them ten times is a bit much she's obviously got SS involved so what's the need in keeping contact with them
I absolutely agree. Yes if a genuine risk is present then absolutely report it, id never advise anyone otherwise…

But realistically, are KKs kids at risk? As much as we all agree, KK isn’t doing her best for them, can we truly sit and sat them kids are at risk? I’m not so sure…. Definitely red flags and definitely shouldn’t have different men in and out of her house or around the kids, but I don’t see KK leaving her kids alone with these men? I don’t see those kids driving around in men’s cars/vans? I’m not really sure how ‘at risk’ those kids are tbh.

Maggot Robbie

Jun 5, 2023
Red flags are red flags.. by some standards kkk's might be considered minimal. By others' standards, they may see these as the red flags that disguise deeper issues or abuse that's happening. Without sounding like a lunatic, why does she have a minimum of 2 phones? How many other devices are in the house? How desperate for a man's attention is she? What does she agree to just so that she feels like she's got a bloke's attention? That's all I'm going to say. I'm not accusing anyone of anything and I'm not suggesting numerous reports to SS are warranted (but to be fair, the account said she'd just emailed the contact that she had - not made 10 separate reports).
One question that I always ask myself when we hear the details of these poor children that end up dead or severely traumatised because of neglect and or abuse is: why did no one know what was happening? The majority of the time, these kids were overlooked and discounted because SS determined that they were satisfied that the children's welfare was OK. Sometimes this won't have even have included any actual face to face visits with these kids. The system is fed and overwhelmed and imo they don't necessarily have the right type of people in these jobs. You can have all the degrees in the world, but if you're not street wise or ever been around different types of people or even experienced some of the rougher/nastier people or situations in life, then you don't actually know what you're looking for. That's why it's important that the regular person takes it upon themselves to report any concerns, more than once if they have to.

Generally, I don't go through life being a fence sitter but I'm kind of on the fence with the debate of whether 10 follow up emails was necessary. I see the reasons for it coming across as being fing crackers behaviour but I also know that in some ways, someone needs to do it. During my years of working within a safeguarding environment you would be fing astounded at what can come to light when the right type of digging gets done. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Apr 16, 2023
Red flags are red flags.. by some standards kkk's might be considered minimal. By others' standards, they may see these as the red flags that disguise deeper issues or abuse that's happening. Without sounding like a lunatic, why does she have a minimum of 2 phones? How many other devices are in the house? How desperate for a man's attention is she? What does she agree to just so that she feels like she's got a bloke's attention? That's all I'm going to say. I'm not accusing anyone of anything and I'm not suggesting numerous reports to SS are warranted (but to be fair, the account said she'd just emailed the contact that she had - not made 10 separate reports).
One question that I always ask myself when we hear the details of these poor children that end up dead or severely traumatised because of neglect and or abuse is: why did no one know what was happening? The majority of the time, these kids were overlooked and discounted because SS determined that they were satisfied that the children's welfare was OK. Sometimes this won't have even have included any actual face to face visits with these kids. The system is fed and overwhelmed and imo they don't necessarily have the right type of people in these jobs. You can have all the degrees in the world, but if you're not street wise or ever been around different types of people or even experienced some of the rougher/nastier people or situations in life, then you don't actually know what you're looking for. That's why it's important that the regular person takes it upon themselves to report any concerns, more than once if they have to.

Generally, I don't go through life being a fence sitter but I'm kind of on the fence with the debate of whether 10 follow up emails was necessary. I see the reasons for it coming across as being fing crackers behaviour but I also know that in some ways, someone needs to do it. During my years of working within a safeguarding environment you would be fing astounded at what can come to light when the right type of digging gets done. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Agree with you there. Some of the newer social workers seem to be slightly clueless yet booksmart.
May 23, 2023
Her kids are absolutely having a s upbringing but probably no stier than a lot of kids. Difference is she posts their lives online for people to see and pick apart; then when they do she calls them trolls and cries about it - to me it’s not trolling but voicing an opinion on an online blogger.
She’s showed her followers herself taking her kids on sty holidays that last for literal hours, brags about giving them hand me downs from strangers and buying their Xmas presents from skips and then once more when normal people who would never dream of doing such things voice opinions she plays the troll card.
Plenty of women have men they hardly know round their houses where their kids sleep…I’m yet to see countless TikTok’s following the act trying to find out the identity of said people and their baby mamas though.
That’s a few examples of her being the reason I think randoms feel the need to call ss on her, not because she’s any worse than any other s mum, but because she uses the fact to promote her streaky looking self and finds it funny. I don’t blame any person who gets angry at her posts and wants to report her.
She flaunts her disgusting behaviours and parenting in peoples faces because she thinks she’s hilarious and untouchable. She needs to understand that words are cheap, life is fragile and social media is superficial…or maybe she does but figured that the only people who actually do like that nasty personality of hers are the people who find her neglectful parenting something to be proud aka the Lou’s of the world so rolls with it 🤷🏽‍♀️
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