Let's put all the blame on the mil again,safe gaurding issues?what about your's KK.Haven't been together for months,grew out of love,so it wouldn't have anything to do with flashing everything you can to strangers online,or could it be the fact you sit in Rays bedroom most weekends,or what about the fact you drive around in another mans car ,but so that it's normal for the kids you're still haveing him round to put kids to bed and have odd meals and still go on holiday which we all no what you're idea of a holiday is,im just going to put my opinion out there as i can have an opinion wether right or wrong,i think you're kicking Dan out claim benefits as single parent as your of has flopped and you want to go on a long holiday than 18hrs,because having him round at kids bedtimes,and having meals and going on holiday TOGETHER is actually benefit fraud check it out .