Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 3, 2023
Desk has gone from her wishlist. Does that mean some thick t enabler has bought her it? 🤔 hope its flat pack, this stupid scrounger isn't going to have a clue how to put it together.
Honestly a tearless cry about how she gets no support and doesn't understand how to assemble her begged desk would be peak Lou. Only way it could be more Lou is if there was Ste coughing in the background.


May 11, 2023
Honestly a tearless cry about how she gets no support and doesn't understand how to assemble her begged desk would be peak Lou. Only way it could be more Lou is if there was Ste coughing in the background.
Can you imagine anything that she put together herself? She couldn't even operate that fing stanley blade she bought for opening packages. Watching her jam the blunt end against tape, was like watching a toddler. She's complete fed in the head now.
May 1, 2023
How can one person make this amount of mess. And that wasn't in just one day either. Ffs, the bin is a couple of steps outside her door. Her house must be stinking!



Judging by the kitchen photo....I thought she lived in a bungalow lol
May 5, 2023
Can't believe she is asking for a desk. Like why? Is she at uni and needs a study space? Is she the owner of a business and needs a work from home space? No! She just wants things because she likes the idea of it. Not because it's useful or will improve her life. I studied as a midwife and I did all my study from my lap on my sofa, surrounded by books. I am now also self studying to become a bookkeeper.... And guess what.... No desk, still sat on sofa with my laptop and books, I occasionally sit at the kitchen table if I have to attend a session online. Cos that's what normal people do. Most don't have the luxury of all the space she has.
We have our own business - vehicle accident repairs. I do the accounts, mostly at home, sat at our dining table. Just like you, if I don't need a desk, that beggy scrag absolutely doesn't need one. She just WANTS one because in her mind, she's a successful influencer. The bouncing whopper is an imbecile.
May 5, 2023
Desk has gone from her wishlist. Does that mean some thick t enabler has bought her it? 🤔 hope its flat pack, this stupid scrounger isn't going to have a clue how to put it together.

Of course it has. Her sugar momma Carol will have bought it for her, after nasty twolls upset her little pet, by warning that small business owner off her. They're both as predictable as one another, pair of twats. It ironically played straight into Lou's grabby grubby hands, sugar momma's heart stwings would have been tugged "I'll buy y'all your desk, Lou!" 😒😑

Carol thinks she's in control, but it's the other way around. Lou manipulates Carol to get exactly what she wants and Carol falls for it hook, line & sinker every time. Her marriage must be a loveless one, Lou is her fix of affection. They're both addicts, Lou for drugs & Carol for Lou's attention & adoration. Her husband probably has a side piece - can't blame him tbh.
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Apr 20, 2023
Mr clutcher started wfh during covid. I got a £15 desk from British heart. They regularly have £10 small dining tables thats work for lous 12yr old boss babe set up. Some people were working from their ironing boards ffs. She makes no effort, if she put a bit of work in, then said we'll I'd like an office setup that'd be different. She really thinks she can be hinch with all the free stuff. Those hideous geaases in a vase, gold diamond pen it's all an illusion, even if she had that she'd still have crap all over the floor, rubbish not taken out, washing up in the sink, tons if washing to do, that's before you start on her needing a good scrub eating actual.food.
Jun 21, 2023
Mr clutcher started wfh during covid. I got a £15 desk from British heart. They regularly have £10 small dining tables thats work for lous 12yr old boss babe set up. Some people were working from their ironing boards ffs. She makes no effort, if she put a bit of work in, then said we'll I'd like an office setup that'd be different. She really thinks she can be hinch with all the free stuff. Those hideous geaases in a vase, gold diamond pen it's all an illusion, even if she had that she'd still have crap all over the floor, rubbish not taken out, washing up in the sink, tons if washing to do, that's before you start on her needing a good scrub eating actual.food.
I am not a Hinch fan at all, but what Lou doesn't realise is that Hinch had to start from somewhere. She didn't just get on the gram, film her house looking like a s-pit and whinge into her phone for free stuff. Lou just sees all these accounts with their (often obscene amounts) of free stuff and thinks she can get all that without even doing the bare minimum most people do, like wash their dishes. She must think 'ill do a fake cry, and jobs a gooden, I'll get my desk'
May 5, 2023
Where are the gorms today?

She's waiting for Amazon to deliver her desk from Carol, after yesterday's dry-crying sshow.

Don't worry, she'll be on by teatime, filming herself fist pumping the air and saying "yessssaaa!" with her tits wobbling all over the place, gloating about the desk.

Then by 8pm she'll be back on again, under her manky blanky with a sad face titty lip (which someone on here said looks like a bird's beak, sent me into space that did 😂😂😂) story, saying how sad she is, everything is s in her life and she wishes she had a takeaway to cheer her up.

The cycle of Lou chugs along.....
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