Sali Hughes



RT by @salihughes: In today’s @TheTimes, you can read all about what happened when I went to see @ABBAVoyage with Björn from ABBA and then got to hang out with Benny and Björn in Benny’s Stockholm studio, even receiving a songwriting masterclass from Benny. (1/9)



R to @MeghanEMurphy: Because it’s designed for a calf? I don’t see what’s impossible to fathom here.



R to @MeghanEMurphy: No. Because formula is cow’s milk and there are heaps of parents telling you their babies are extremely allergic to it. I’m not understanding why ill babies - whether sensitive to breast or formula - are the fault of parents already having a really sty time.



R to @KevinTongYS: Hi there. Nothing to with me, I’m afraid. I don’t choose the links, only the products, and am not part of the affiliate schemes. You could contact the mag direct and they will redirect you to the right person.



R to @Dorianlynskey: They’ve been grey squirrelled out of town by the “woke brigade”



R to @DoctorWarmflash: Politically correct brigade is quite a retro flex isn’t it? Life moves pretty fast.



R to @Dorianlynskey: Yes. A complicated coffee and a vinyl messenger bag. A £7 bowl of cereal and a handlebar moustache. A folding bicycle and a beard oil. Halcyon days.