Aye or ask for a social story from the provision he is going to so he can hear the names of the staff, see their faces, see the building or classroom he will be going to.
How it will look during the day I.e when lunch is where they eat, what types of activities they will be doing in a typical day. Showing him if there is a sensory room, soft play and where they spend playtime (interval) . She could talk to him about the story and read it every night before bed despite him being non verbal.
When my wee man started p1 I made my own social story. He kept running away and hiding in cupboards. So I made my own about how we walk into school and how we can use our words to tell the teacher how we felt I read it daily and discussed it with him. He struggled to sit in a chair for more than 5 mins amongst other wee challenges. It was bloody hard work but we got him there. Now he sits for much longer, top of his class, still needs brain breaks he likes a wander to see his head teacher (he likes a yap).
She won't do do all to support that boy so long as he depends on her she has content and purpose because without him she has nothing. Makes me so angry
and when he doesn't meet milestones or achieve a level it will be the staffs fault not hers! Parents have to meet you half way to make it successful. I feel heart sorry for M.