Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

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Mar 8, 2024
She may looo more presentable and clean in comparison to shamey, but she’s way more dangerous and callous. Rotten to the core
Oh this one’s really evil and such a b
She thinks any negativity is jealousy. I just don’t understand that at all. Have a read up about her first husband, she connived her way into getting them in the press and got a wedding paid for just before died and treated his family in the most appalling way THEN collected donations and kept £15K
It’s funny that all the men run a mile once her true self comes out. She is toxic to the core. I had to stop looking at her for ages because the rage was so bad.


Mar 9, 2024
And she really thinks people are jealous of her? Why? She lives in a house smaller than mine which has no mortgage and she buys herself designer bags. She’d kill for my husband as he buys mine as surprise gifts. So if you read here you fat s do off because nothing you have is anything I want, I’ve never stolen cash from a charity or anywhere for that matter.
You’ve got zero class and zero shame just like your friend Aimee. That pair of fat slags are the worst! Both of them are vile narcissists who crave attention. Good or bad. Oh and I’m a size 6 to 8 because I exercise every day and eat well. What must you troff daily to the be that size? And why pretend you are 3 sizes smaller? We can see the size of ass as you do these ridiculous se dances all the time.
Jesus. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Yessssss lass 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I’m right there beside you shouting it for the huns up the back 😂


Mar 9, 2024
Shut the do up Vav, sorry Gansta Stefanny you wouldn’t have the balls to say it to anyone’s face. If I was being accused of what she is you’re sure a hell I’d be pulling people up not shouting lies, lies, jealousy blah blah blah


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Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
And she really thinks people are jealous of her? Why? She lives in a house smaller than mine which has no mortgage and she buys herself designer bags. She’d kill for my husband as he buys mine as surprise gifts. So if you read here you fat s do off because nothing you have is anything I want, I’ve never stolen cash from a charity or anywhere for that matter.
You’ve got zero class and zero shame just like your friend Aimee. That pair of fat slags are the worst! Both of them are vile narcissists who crave attention. Good or bad. Oh and I’m a size 6 to 8 because I exercise every day and eat well. What must you troff daily to the be that size? And why pretend you are 3 sizes smaller? We can see the size of ass as you do these ridiculous se dances all the time.
Jesus. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
You go girl 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 it’s all true tho all true. She is the one that’s jealous of people who are living there life cause she fooking ain’t. She ain’t winning at anything
Mar 11, 2024
Shut the do up Vav, sorry Gansta Stefanny you wouldn’t have the balls to say it to anyone’s face. If I was being accused of what she is you’re sure a hell I’d be pulling people up not shouting lies, lies, jealousy blah blah blah
Well vav let me tell one thing about your sty quote you’ve spent hours trying to find on Pinterest …… all us “do faces “ on here do like each other …… we have one major thing in common … we all HATE you 😂😂


Mar 10, 2024

Just seen a repost Steph has done of that Chelsea from moray who is always in Steph’s comments she is down at Downing Street with Douglas Ross about asn and Steph’s message you could be arsed to do that Steph you were just interest in a blue tick and then fed off you do absolutely nothing for Sen here in Aberdeen or the shire and folk in max nursery know that also.
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