Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

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Mar 10, 2024
Morning ya’ll ❤️
Koreys mods were having non of it. Good on them, Korey is not the property of Staphinfection.
Her huns are delulu to think Staph rules the live when she’s in the comments and she needs her mods on HIS live. Get a fing grip people. They all need an intervention.
Running to her comment section to tell her they stuck up for her. Sad t. She’s not gonna rim your hole.

Her mum comments on everything. I swear to do, would she do that if Staph worked on a reception and had a customer. Just butt in and talk to the customer?? Tiktok is her ✨ job ✨ it’s the saddest thing to witness.
Pamela Sanderson - stop living your life through Staphs comments. Do something for yourself. They leech off each others existence.

I’m miles away from them but know more about them than I do my own family. Their names are widespread like their legs.

Anyways good morning. 10k steps done by 645am 💃
Happy Friday ya bunch of jealous bastards ❤️
Mar 10, 2024
United Kingdom


Mar 15, 2024
She is off her head 😂 and all of her huns who think everyone is jealous of THAT. His mods were doing their job and he was doing what he went on live to do and sing to his followers, that’s someone who has built a genuine following! before she stomps in with Suzy fing sheep! She follows her around everywhere. It’s the Steph show and what a s show it is ! You’d think she would be embarrassed by now, how long can one person keep up the facade for after everything she has done. She’s a disgrace and is damaging to everyone around her
Mar 10, 2024
Aw good god , I see the one n only Glasgow's Silver Fox is up on Vav's comments this morning re Steve Maddens. You know , who Big Olly Ching Ching thought she was in for a shout for till it went sour . He's a predator with women , and love's himself that one . 🥴
I unblocked her to have a look. He was in my DMs trying to chat me up. Seen him on lives he’s a roaster. Probably still in my DMs but I took a huff with social media and signed out everything and deleted apps cause I can’t be arsed with it at times and I forgot my TikTok log in 🤣🤣 could well still be chatting to me for all I know. My TikTok now has bugger all on it. It’s just for watching.
Used to see him on his lives smashed 🤢


Apr 5, 2024
I unblocked her to have a look. He was in my DMs trying to chat me up. Seen him on lives he’s a roaster. Probably still in my DMs but I took a huff with social media and signed out everything and deleted apps cause I can’t be arsed with it at times and I forgot my TikTok log in 🤣🤣 could well still be chatting to me for all I know. My TikTok now has bugger all on it. It’s just for watching.
Used to see him on his lives smashed 🤢
Lucky you 😆. He give's me the ick , lying there in bed , see me and my tattoos . 🤮 What a new thread that would be him and Vav an item . 🤣
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
I unblocked her to have a look. He was in my DMs trying to chat me up. Seen him on lives he’s a roaster. Probably still in my DMs but I took a huff with social media and signed out everything and deleted apps cause I can’t be arsed with it at times and I forgot my TikTok log in 🤣🤣 could well still be chatting to me for all I know. My TikTok now has bugger all on it. It’s just for watching.
Used to see him on his lives smashed 🤢
Who are you lot speaking about 🤣🤣🤣🤣 nosey Annie over here😛 can tell me to fook off if you want 🤣🤣🤣


Mar 9, 2024
I unblocked her to have a look. He was in my DMs trying to chat me up. Seen him on lives he’s a roaster. Probably still in my DMs but I took a huff with social media and signed out everything and deleted apps cause I can’t be arsed with it at times and I forgot my TikTok log in 🤣🤣 could well still be chatting to me for all I know. My TikTok now has bugger all on it. It’s just for watching.
Used to see him on his lives smashed 🤢
I blocked that Fanny away back in the lock down days 😂😭 so creepy 🥴
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
I thought they were when I seen them 😭 I’ve been out with the kids and just scrolled and she popped up so came over here 😂 I was a huuugggeeee Carrie fan so my other half bought be a pair when I seen them in Harvey Nicks 😍
I bet you shat your pants 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 how they can get away with that I don’t know. It’s like her awful stumpy trainers trying to rip of triple s. Cheeky fookers. Oh did he ❤️ that’s so lovely. They are such pretty shoes mines like that would prob stay in the box cause when I wear heels omg wow my feet kill
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
Was catching up on insta so funny to see Nikki from westholmes , sinead noble, Natasha Calder and also Justin mackland having a brilliant night getting invited to events in their hometown and shire and vav doesn’t get invited to anything but crappy Steve Madden 🤣🤣
I don’t really like that Justin guy. Prob cause he was in the paper for taking charity money to. Ok he got done and had to pay it back and yes people make mistakes but does not sit right with me. But love the fact that they are doing events in Aberdeen. Vav could only dream about doing that
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