Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime


Mar 18, 2024
Comment Cafe
Stephanie has told the truth she told the police she was behind the trolling account and other people as well including bad energy because she was in it too in the beginning but you all fall out with Stephanie over that but not bad Engery funny that if you cared for Stephanie like you did you should of asked question to Stephanie and then she would told you about the voice note that she deleted on lewis phone all the rest is still there but one she deleted it because she knows she said it about Susan p and Susan w that you all think stephanie is scammer don’t make sense. Why delete the voicenote? Is if it was other way around Stephanie did that to me I would ask questions and ask why delete it?
Firstly, as your "good luck" appeared as a personal threat, (the same to another poster too), I was merely stating how I did not need it for speaking the truth as it is not a criminal offense. Please read my words one more time, thank you.

Secondly, if you have read my posts so far, you will have assertained that I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about regarding any recent events, nor do I know who bad energy is, nor the voice notes you have just accused me of not asking you about. I ceased all contact with you without any drama or bad words exchanged due to my own personal experience. That was my choice. All I know now is what I have read here as I have not spoken with you, nor watched you for a very long time.

How ludicrous to waffle on with a tirade of falsehood with me Stephanie and attempt to cast blame in order to play victimhood as always. You have really proven my points made thus far.

My association with you Stephanie ended a long time ago, and as I have stated, and will remind you again, I can not and will not comment on anything I have no personal experience with regarding you.

I would appreciate it if you ceased trying to drag me into your childish playground blame games, I am so very uninterested in playing them.


Mar 13, 2024
Police have all the the evidence on video that she was involved on the trolling accounts thinking Stephanie is stupid clearly she isn’t and video of bad energy saying don’t tell no one else keep it secret police here come
We’re going to have to call
Social too. We’ve asked Lewis to try and get some more sleep and he hasn’t. He’s still just as bad and now it turns out you’re encouraging him to engage in social media trolling. That’s terrible parenting. Watch this space.
Mar 14, 2024
West Yorkshire
Smile and fing wave Lynn is a laughing stock no one on steffy weffy live actually likes that crinkled Old has been who thinks she’s so good ,she’s embarrassing falls asleep every single live I have had the misfortune of watching from out the box .
Now then let’s get bk on to steffy weffy n her wifey what a pair of big sad oafs it’s embarrassing the way they talk to each other I cringe every time I hear them I bet Steph would luv to sit on her big red cheeks the stench would be ghastly fish fumes n cottage cheese uggh how gross they are lucylou is her b but really she laughs behind her big fat back n slags her off to a few of steffy weffys friends lucylou you bloated rat man the fk up n stop been a two faced b that’s why ya hardly ever show ya face ya bk stabbing cow and ya said ya hated Lewis n he’s a lazy half wit who won’t ever go anywhere in his sad fked up life never mind . She’s had 5 followers in today the looser she needs to quit now no one likes her fraudster ways p.s how many friends now steffy weffy debs Kate Kelly winters ritz gary n the list goes on you piece of s.
Dunno what gives it away but I am getting the feeling you don't like her?


Mar 13, 2024
Socail? For what? Go head love Stephanie has already done it for you and rspca as well love
Because we asked Lewis at school to try and get more sleep. Now we know why he doesnt. You (Stephanie) have kept him up trolling you on a fake account. That’s abuse. That’s 100% child abuse. Trust me. I know.


Mar 9, 2024
Police have all the the evidence on video that she was involved on the trolling accounts thinking Stephanie is stupid clearly she isn’t and video of bad energy saying don’t tell no one else keep it secret police here come
And you think the Police give a s?? Honestly, you're off your rocker. Police aren't interested in your bullshit, it's pathetic. Police won't do anything at all, they would say come off social media, and that's it. Not everyone is at thick as you lot.
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Mar 18, 2024
Comment Cafe
Guess what love Stephanie son isn’t your concern tho is it Stephanie son not yours social already been called in may last year found nothing on Stephanie rspca been out checked everything is fine ha ha . Police searched her house found nothing ha ha. Social services was called out to lewis is old enough to stay with her and lewis is looked after, they have no concerns or any issues with Stephanie what next?
On a public platform, any child exposed to the public via a public platform, being a minor, is public concern Stephanie.
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Mar 13, 2024
Guess what love Stephanie son isn’t your concern tho is it Stephanie son not yours social already been called in may last year found nothing on Stephanie rspca been out checked everything is fine ha ha . Police searched her house found nothing ha ha. Social services was called out to lewis is old enough to stay with her and lewis is looked after, they have no concerns or any issues with Stephanie what next?
Yes but now, We now have screen recordings of you admitting you abused your son making him troll on social media. You do realise that’s illegal. He’s a minor. You’ve abused him there.


Mar 13, 2024
Really Stephanie hasn’t never kept Lewis up trolling he trolled for few times got rid of the account how stupid are you your behaviour is outrages your on here trolling a women and child that is nothing to do with you love so your no room to talk about anyone
Again. We have screen recordings of you admitting it. Safeguarding team at school is now involved
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Mar 13, 2024
Ha ha abused? Look that up in the dictionary what abuse is will laugh at you when Ste tells the truth that he did do it. They won’t do s to her because lewis is 16 nearly and he loves living with his mum and she takes care of him.
You’re very wrong actually, abuse is a vast subject. What you’ve had him do is abuse. Again, trust me, the school Safeguarding team are already on to it. We’ve been monitoring a long time.
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Mar 9, 2024
Ha ha abused? Look that up in the dictionary what abuse is will laugh at you when Ste tells the truth that he did do it. They won’t do s to her because lewis is 16 nearly and he loves living with his mum and she takes care of him.
Takes care of him, by making him obese? Not giving him uniform that fits?, feeding him se, letting him swear and shout, bad behaviour at school...what a delight. Yeah...Great parenting
Mar 14, 2024
West Yorkshire
Really Stephanie hasn’t never kept Lewis up trolling he trolled for few times got rid of the account how stupid are you your behaviour is outrages your on here trolling a women and child that is nothing to do with you love so your no room to talk about anyone
So he didn't troll, but he did troll? Yeah but no but yeah..


Mar 9, 2024
monitoring for me for a long time, then have you what school do you work at? What school do you work at cause you’re chatting s do you know you can get done for this in someone’s privacy and on social media as well and you can get done for that as well and I was always phoning the police myself now again telling tell the police that you’re a teacher at lewis school shall then they look into it
So you're admitting you are Stephanie? Monitoring "me" 😆 🤣


Mar 13, 2024
monitoring for me for a long time, then have you what school do you work at? What school do you work at cause you’re chatting s do you know you can get done for this in someone’s privacy and on social media as well and you can get done for that as well and I was always phoning the police myself now again telling tell the police that you’re a teacher at lewis school shall then they look into it
A very long time yes.


New member
Mar 18, 2024
Can’t imagine been a grown adult and crying over social media issues that you caused. Maybe try not s everyone off. Then you wouldn’t have trolls. Oh wait the trolls are only your inner circle so you get attention. Police have got so much to work with, ‘hello I’m 40 odd and someone’s being mean to me on TikTok because they have exposed how I really am and I don’t like it’ get off TikTok you’re the only troll here.