Thank you girls for the love!!!
Ok I know it’s been said but the cream dress? What the actual do?? Does she own mirrors?? It’s like she has ripped down her granny’s nets!
The silver s… dear god! There are no words.
THEN… she makes all that fing drama about a free meal and her daughter trying gravy?? The daughter that can’t be seen on camera and even then doesn’t really say much apart from thumbs up and 11/10. Oh slim chickens you are having a joke aren’t you??
Those 2 morons will literally eat anything, that kid had cucumber and fing gravy the other night, no offence guys but I don’t exactly want to trust the opinion of a 9 year old child that has the palate of that of a sewer rat!
Oh and whilst I’m on the decorator would still normally communicate with the client you tit!! But we all know ‘daddy’ is the client, Daddy is paying.
Ps for what it’s worth I’ve been struggling the past few days and I’m pleased I’ve come back. Can we all try and get
@itsmejo back?
I’m really worried about her. This happened to woe too. There’s space for any and every Aimee hating troll here isn’t there?