Hey babe, I did see your comment whilst I was catching up
. I was quieter over the weekend as had a cheeky unplanned bbq Saturday with my family at home for early birthday celebrations as the weather wasn’t looking good for today
Yesterday went out in the morning to go do the dreaded food shop with hubby, put it away and ended up having a nanna nap for a few hours
I’m not a nan yet but I’m ready to be one but my sons aren’t ready to be parents for a few years yet.
I think being up late to watch the northern lights caught up with me and I’ve also been trying to fight the withdrawals of my medication as it’s just been reduced again
I will be fine as it takes up to a week for side effects to ease off but I’m still up early, showered, cleaning the house, doing the washing etc unlike Catpiss who needs time off from being an adult child
How was your weekend babe