Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

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May 10, 2024
And another. Wish I could do emojis but cc will not let me will have to describe my wee emoji thought.
It's the wee middle finger one. Haha!!
Mar 8, 2024
Over the 🌈
A full medical involves bloods so they would be awaiting results on them. A doctor wouldn't say 100% you would be ok, they may say if results are ok and stuff then you should be ok but never ever give you 100% guarantee because its also not their decision. Now she's making the anxiety seem heightened hours after the medical when she's saying the doctor said it's fine. So aimee if it is fine then you have been lying about how bad it is?? That's Jo's whole point in this.


Apr 23, 2024
For any blocked people!
@Missy just making sure it worked this time 🤣
I cant stand her! Not even having time away makes an ounce of difference! Any excuse for a takeaway! Most single mothers have to take their little ones with them to appointments at times when they have no one to tag team. If she actually batched cooked, she would have meals to quickly put in the microwave when she got back! So does this mean that princess doesn't pass out and the anxiety has been exaggerated? Of course it has the filthy liar! X


Mar 9, 2024
I swear these Huns baffle my brain!
“How ridiculous”
“Hope they get arrested”
“What a waste of nhs time”
Oh yes, such a disaster that someone reported using Aimee’s own videos, words out of her own mouth, how dare someone and the dvla deem it necessary to initiate an investigation into whether she is safe to drive, how dare anyone take steps to prevent a potential accident, fatality or un safe driver being on the road.

What a complete and utter disgrace.
Would you have the same view if you or a member of your family was injured or killed as a result of an un safe driver? Do you condone drink driving? Do you think someone who could potentially out of their own mouth pass out behind a wheel?
Her child being in the car when this occurs?

Brainless for aimless twits.
Spot on !!🙌


May 13, 2024
If you Google or look up on YouTube what happens at a medical fitness assessment for the DVLA they do take samples of blood and the decision is not the GP.

The GP can't just tell the DVLA about patients medical conditions, it's the responsibility of the licence holder to tell the DVLA about health conditions or medications that might affect ability to drive.

Her GP cannot tell her she is fine to drive, it's not their decision. She needs to do some research before lying to people. Her followers don't have the nous to look up for themselves what happens so they can see all her video is a full on blag.
Mar 10, 2024
Uhhhh Aimeeeeee. Of course your doctor said you’re 100% fit to drive. He sees nothing in your records to say otherwise, no medication given that could make you drowsy at the wheel, and no condition on record that highlights a faint risk.

It’s YOUR videos saying that your anxiety gets so bad you faint, what’s the worst that could happen… someone will pick you up. Yeah babes, what if that happens behind the wheel and not in a shop? No one’s picking you up there except possibly an ambulance along with any other family you’ve wiped out in the process.
THIS is why the DVLA are investigating you, and it’s them who will determine your fitness to drive.
Your doctor won’t have been sent the reasons why the medical has been requested, just that it is needed. If they had.. you may have some questions to answer by them too.


Mar 9, 2024
Oh Aimee Aimee Aimee now you've filled your already MASSIVE belly I'd think twice about reaching for the Kylie to celebrate and I'd put the hot water on and run yourself a bath coz judging by the absolute fING STATE of you in today's videos (or any other days for that matter) you look like you need dunking in fing BLEACH you dirty t. Imagine filming a video for a "brand" looking like you haven't showered for days with lank greasy hair and dirty wrecked nails ..fING WOW , and you call this your "job"😂😂😂😂😂😂 thank do you got Tiktok eh coz no other f would employ a filthy, scruffy sweaty lying t LIKE YOU
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