Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

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Mar 10, 2024
That’s all very true. She won’t like that it’s back to school this week, her and her ‘anxiety’!

I’d be anxious rocking up at the school gates too if I put my life out on social media, knowing all the other mums had seen me crying into the camera, making an absolutely fool of myself posting clap-backs and hanging thermometers out of my gob to prove I had a temperature etc. I don’t think I’d ever be able to leave the house again.
That thermometer picture will torment Harper at high school for her whole time there, Aimee doesn’t think how her pathetic behaviour will impact on her at all


Mar 8, 2024
Her ‘Dad’ is bloody pathetic. She is more than capable of calling in at the nearest convenience store when she gets back. She also has had her phone glued to her hand all sodding week so could have booked a food shop to be delivered. All
of this is what any parent would do coming back from holiday on a Sunday and school being back the next day.

I don’t care that he is 70 someone needs to give him a kick up the arse and let his nearly 40 year old daughter take some fing responsibility in life.
Can you imagine the mess she will be in when he’s no longer there to hold her hand through life and Wendy too all because they have spoon fed her and pandered all her sad little life.
My mam and dad passed when I was 24 a week before Xmas and yes it was hard but you get on with it… thing I do know though of I was like her I’d would have been kicked up the arse so hard I’d have been into the middle of nxt week 🤣.
Mar 27, 2024
Why is this advert on the this(eternally)singlemama thread 😂


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Mar 17, 2024
Oh bloody hell AIMXIETY'S Up!!! She's so predictable!! Can't wait for today's carry on. Aimee babe please don't forget that peeping smurk on landing ot was the best!! Guarantee she went down for brekky (Hate that word) 🤢 6 Croissants stuffed in your s tote bag and that's just for the journey to the airport!! 🐷
And we know!!!!! Your Dad's been round to the baybeeeez funny how much you're protesting it! H lol... yeah she will miss them 3 and is sad knowing she's coming back to no attention, care or even basic parenting. You're a wastrel and should be ashamed!!! Bet your frothing at the gash over your pizza and co later because.. welllll we're still technically on hol aren't we and tbh I avnt ad chance to get to Tescoooosss. But omg this penne bullabiatta slaps!!!! 😫 No it doesn't but I wish it fing would!!!!
Mar 10, 2024
To be honest, it looks like a child, not much older than H
This is what we are saying about H and by the time she gets to high school, all these TT and photos from ig will be screenshotted - it will be a nightmare for her.
Exactly this ….. poor harper will hate school and the only person to blame will be that arsehole Aimee
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