Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

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Mar 8, 2024


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Apr 1, 2024
At this point, I’d delete my Tiktok account and call it a day. She can’t possibly think she can carry on with this so-called job of hers. Her phone consumes her life, she spends all of her time alone, talking into it. It’s quite a lonely existence and sometimes I actually do feel sorry for her, but then I give myself a quick slap and remember what a lying, selfish bleep she is. I can’t believe I actually used to like her. When I first heard about TL on her page, I remember going on there for the first time and thinking “why are these people saying these things about her”. I never went on there again …. until months later when I started to see who she really was for myself. It then all started to make sense. I think I started to notice her lies when she first started seeing D1. Things just weren’t adding up and it continued from there.

That's how she works and ultimately keeps going. She reals in new people who don't know her back story and the things she has done. They then go for a nosey on t and here because she mentions them and unless they are familiar with both sites they think it's just people being mean, until they either read them enough or see what she is via her own hands, and then realise otherwise that what's being said is true.
It was different for me as i discovered aimee via t and from reading bits here and there at first, i didn't realy have much interest in following her threads as to me she just came across as being someone who was a bit embarrassing so i continued to only read bits here and there for a while. I think it was around d2 or after i began following the saga and have been hooked since.


Mar 19, 2024
Not Aimee related but I probably won’t be around for a bit as my beloved hubby passed away last night Totally unexpected Such a shock I’m heartbroken beyond words xx
Awwww I am so very sorry for your loss 😑 sending you the biggest loves ❤️ bless you. Don't worry about here, take some time. Massive hugs xxxxxxxx
Mar 9, 2024
Not Aimee related but I probably won’t be around for a bit as my beloved hubby passed away last night Totally unexpected Such a shock I’m heartbroken beyond words xx
Omg I am so so so sorry that you’re experiencing this. Nothing I can say will help you feel better but we’re all here to support you if you ever need to talk. Sending so much love to you and your family 🩷🩷💙💙
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