Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

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Mar 9, 2024
I cannot believe that excuse for a human. So busy but just has to wash a PE kit. I’ve done 3 loads of laundry while I worked a full time job today (perks of work from home) put away a Tesco delivery, cooked my partner and I a good meal and studying for my work qualification now after hours… she is making my blood boil. I’m also mid flare up and shouldn’t really be on my feet but the house and laundry don’t clean themselves!
Pretty much same here, worked all night, slept today, got up, did 2 washing loads, washed up, made tea for the kids, washed up, made tea for me, so I have MORE fing washing up to do🙄 tidied up, quick hoover, gotta put dry washing away THEN get ready for work again later...and THIS t says "SHES BUSY"!!! do OFF !!
Mar 8, 2024
Over the 🌈
Pretty much same here, worked all night, slept today, got up, did 2 washing loads, washed up, made tea for the kids, washed up, made tea for me, so I have MORE fing washing up to do🙄 tidied up, quick hoover, gotta put dry washing away THEN get ready for work again later...and THIS t says "SHES BUSY"!!! do OFF !!
Same same! On my way to work again now! She wouldn't know what busy is!!
Mar 7, 2024
Wow, lots to catch up on. This morning having to wash a pe kit and buy cat litter as the busiest person in the world ever...... then real life tears because her 🐄💩 caught up with her - that was a shocker - a few days ago she was laughing in comments saying no the DVLA hadn't been in touch, she genuinely thought she was untouchable (and the Teflon turd has been so far). She will probably pass the DVLA assessment eventually but hopefully there are lessons learned about lieing online for sympathy, sales and content🤔
Not a chance she cooked that bolognaise tonight it was either gash flash or me-dads-wife as they don't need the drama of SS being involved again on top of all the other stuff


Mar 8, 2024
I cannot believe that excuse for a human. So busy but just has to wash a PE kit. I’ve done 3 loads of laundry while I worked a full time job today (perks of work from home) put away a Tesco delivery, cooked my partner and I a good meal and studying for my work qualification now after hours… she is making my blood boil. I’m also mid flare up and shouldn’t really be on my feet but the house and laundry don’t clean themselves!
Same...flare up of endometriosis, a young child who has eaten a home cooked meal. 2 loads of washing,, beds stripped IYKYK and now eating my home cooked meal. No excuse for days old dirty washing from crusty knickers!
Mar 13, 2024
Just thinking whilst shopping in Tesco after work (a real job that is) the request for a medical came after she completed the questionnaire so if they hadn’t believed the so called vindictive reports they wouldn’t waste doctors time and money getting a medical. She really does think she is above the law doesn’t she? When did taking a photo of something become an offence that the police would view CCTV for? Can you send me details of that law Shaimee?


Mar 9, 2024
Her ‘job’ is so hard, she’s going to a spa for her event tomorrow - they better fumigate after she’s been.

The tears today prove she’s never been held accountable or faced any consequences for her narc behaviour in her entire life. Lies have consequences. She’s now finding that out - I love that for her.


Mar 9, 2024
Imagine Aimee six toes rocking up to a spa.
Let alone using her for advertisement.
The spa event explains her crying video today. I believe the tears were real as shes facing the consequences of her own lies but I don’t think she’d have done the video of herself crying had the event not been a spa, as I don’t think she would’ve really wanted to show she’s bothered/rattled by it. Now she’ll post a vlog of the spa and have all her huns commenting in overdrive about how she deserves it and it was much needed etc. Queen manipulator and all her Huns will fall for it hook, line and sinker.


Mar 7, 2024
Yep, look what happened to Amy Winehouse
When I went into rehab for 2 weeks to learn to walk again, they asked if I drank alcohol and i said I did, they said I could have a drink with my dinner, I declined but obviously there was a reason for them asking
I know someone who had a seizure after not listening to advice from the dr and went 5 days cold turkey


Feb 28, 2024

Donz I think that is meant to say “as thick as your Huns”
And with a name like that you shouldn’t really be calling anyone 😂😂


Feb 28, 2024
The spa event explains her crying video today. I believe the tears were real as shes facing the consequences of her own lies but I don’t think she’d have done the video of herself crying had the event not been a spa, as I don’t think she would’ve really wanted to show she’s bothered/rattled by it. Now she’ll post a vlog of the spa and have all her huns commenting in overdrive about how she deserves it and it was much needed etc. Queen manipulator and all her Huns will fall for it hook, line and sinker.
Yep exactly that! 😩 it’s already happening!
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