Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

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Mar 17, 2024
They’ve posted since then on tiktok 😂😂 even accusing Jo of being the account that commented about the exposure last night, with no proof, not that anyone fell for it anyway! Twit 😫😂 @itsmejo
I swear to fing God at this point how many people "ARE JO"? WTF?? 🤣
Absolutely no offence @itsmejo but we have our OWN minds, anything I've said I've said through choice and I've said it with my fing chest.
Why Jo? Because she's one of the only names you actually THINK you know? 🤣
Making a page attacking 'trolls' by trolling people just for speaking FACTS!!

Screenshot that for your 5 followers you fing wet wipe 🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩
Mar 10, 2024
Wow so many viscious people on here with nothing better to do with their lives and time than to tear other down and for some negatively affect someone else's life. Sad really, you must be very unhappy souls.
Yet here you are, joining a group, to have an opinion, much like everyone on the group has done.

Why are you any different?

The choice to read here or not is that of the reader.
Mar 10, 2024
Wow so many viscious people on here with nothing better to do with their lives and time than to tear other down and for some negatively affect someone else's life. Sad really, you must be very unhappy souls

Just an observation. Not tearing anyone down, insulting anyone on how the look personal hygiene, etc.
I quote ‘ you must be very unhappy’.
Not really a nice thing to say?

What are you looking to achieve by it? What’s the end goal of your time spent signing up and having your opinion?

And then….

Mar 8, 2024
Wow so many viscious people on here with nothing better to do with their lives and time than to tear other down and for some negatively affect someone else's life. Sad really, you must be very unhappy souls.
It’s a free country
And we have free speech and opinions
What people choose to say here is quite frankly none of your business
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