Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
I do sincerely hope she wasn’t held at gun point by her captors to write that
This Is Serious Nancy Pelosi GIF by GIPHY News


May 22, 2024
Well I have officially been discharged, I'm absolutely over the moon very rarely will anyone see me cry (I'm an ugly crier-proper ugly) but I'm so pleased I was wearing waterproof mascara because i was a complete mess, I was already given the all-clear in December but after today I can now get back to the person I used to be without having that uncertainty of it returning.

Apart from a couple of members on here I've kept my diagnosis to myself mainly because my way of dealing with things is by not dwelling on them plus I'm no good at receiving sympathy, I get by mainly by using humour and I'd much rather someone tell me to put my glad rags on because we are hitting the tiles than them sitting holding my hand crying -I really don't like people being sad.

I know tensions have been high on here lately but regardless of what's going on I just like to take this opportunity to say, I beg each and everyone of you to please get yourself checked especially if you're concerned about something, don't be a fool by putting it off because cancer doesn't wait around for anyone and it doesn't discriminate, I spent most of my life thinking I was invincible and it proved me wrong.

I'm one of the lucky ones and sadly a beautiful family member wasn't, we carry the brca gene. (i dont want to say which relative because i know how sick and cruel some people on the app can be) I don't want to ram my advice down people's throats all I'm asking is please don't take your life for granted because it's way too precious.

I don't want to scare people either because I was extremely fortunate to still be able do the things I enjoyed and i lived a relatively normal life even when i was undergoing treatment and numerous surgeries, I'm not saying it's easy by any means but there's so many people who don't attend their cancer screenings out of fear, has my life changed? Absolutely, but cancer didn't and doesn't define me, in fact it's made me stronger and even though I had a cracking pair of tits before my diagnosis, I have an incredible pair now. (○)(○)

Don't think you're invincible guys because trust me life has it's ways of humbling you.

Rant over you may now all get back to what you were doing.

Celebrations pending until the weekend and thank you to everyone for your lovely messages i appreciate them all. 🤎🤎🤎
Thanks Thank You GIF by Rory
Amazing news @Medusa
Feb 29, 2024
Catching up as had a little nana nap 🥱 I'd love for someone to do a live on Internet safety (possible one that we can go through our settings at the same time as the live) making extra accounts and changing your name ect.
Disappointed in 🌳 I can't understand 🥖 did that live with FF and T.shirts upset people and then 🌳 dose this. It's sneaky and frankly I'm not surprised. I've delt with bigger arse holes in the real world
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
Well I have officially been discharged, I'm absolutely over the moon very rarely will anyone see me cry (I'm an ugly crier-proper ugly) but I'm so pleased I was wearing waterproof mascara because i was a complete mess, I was already given the all-clear in December but after today I can now get back to the person I used to be without having that uncertainty of it returning.

Apart from a couple of members on here I've kept my diagnosis to myself mainly because my way of dealing with things is by not dwelling on them plus I'm no good at receiving sympathy, I get by mainly by using humour and I'd much rather someone tell me to put my glad rags on because we are hitting the tiles than them sitting holding my hand crying -I really don't like people being sad.

I know tensions have been high on here lately but regardless of what's going on I just like to take this opportunity to say, I beg each and everyone of you to please get yourself checked especially if you're concerned about something, don't be a fool by putting it off because cancer doesn't wait around for anyone and it doesn't discriminate, I spent most of my life thinking I was invincible and it proved me wrong.

I'm one of the lucky ones and sadly a beautiful family member wasn't, we carry the brca gene. (i dont want to say which relative because i know how sick and cruel some people on the app can be) I don't want to ram my advice down people's throats all I'm asking is please don't take your life for granted because it's way too precious.

I don't want to scare people either because I was extremely fortunate to still be able do the things I enjoyed and i lived a relatively normal life even when i was undergoing treatment and numerous surgeries, I'm not saying it's easy by any means but there's so many people who don't attend their cancer screenings out of fear, has my life changed? Absolutely, but cancer didn't and doesn't define me, in fact it's made me stronger and even though I had a cracking pair of tits before my diagnosis, I have an incredible pair now. (○)(○)

Don't think you're invincible guys because trust me life has it's ways of humbling you.

Rant over you may now all get back to what you were doing.

Celebrations pending until the weekend and thank you to everyone for your lovely messages i appreciate them all. 🤎🤎🤎
Thanks Thank You GIF by Rory

Celebrate Daniel Ricciardo GIF by Formula 1


Jul 15, 2023
Wet Wang
Elm. I was a dick. A big, fat, floppy cock who can’t even get erect.
I will always be a bit of a dick. I just hoped that sometimes you looked at me and my flaccidness and thought “yknow what. I’ll look past the wiry unruliness of your pubic hair and I’ll accept you for the dick you are” yeah maybe I’m not as hard as some of the dicks in here but I’ll find someone else who will want me in all my weirdness.


flaccid GIF
Feb 29, 2024
Guys I'm going to leave. I feel like I'm in a really awkward spot as I like everyone, past and present and I don't like reading the current upset.
I know some will think I'm being ridiculous because we're all anonymous and don't know each other, but I've been here since February and I feel you do get bonds with people.
I've honestly had a lot of fun joking with you guys and putting the world to rights. I've said some things I wish I could take back too.
I know you guys are a good bunch.
I'm not leaving to go anywhere else, I'm just leaving, now is actually a good time for me to go as things at work are about to get really busy.
Please don't take my leaving as anything other than I'm just leaving. I will keep my BattyBat tiktok account, and maybe I might pop in from time to time.
Take care of yourselves, I'm going to miss you. Thank you for letting me be part of the crew ❤️
bat GIF
Best Friends Love GIF by Kennysgifs
May 16, 2024
Catching up as had a little nana nap 🥱 I'd love for someone to do a live on Internet safety (possible one that we can go through our settings at the same time as the live) making extra accounts and changing your name ect.
Disappointed in 🌳 I can't understand 🥖 did that live with FF and T.shirts upset people and then 🌳 dose this. It's sneaky and frankly I'm not surprised. I've delt with bigger arse holes in the real world
A real-time tutorial would be a great idea, especially with tiktok studio to shows the steps/settings.


Feb 28, 2024
@BattyBat Take all the time you need but theres always a spot here for you here! It's upsetting this is how s is ending for differences of opinions and having individuality. 🙏 I hope this s dies down because I don't want crap with people, i'm hurt the sudden change in responses from people and the random blocks I myself have received, i don't dislike anyone But i'm just disappointed the sudden changes from people especially towards individuals like myself who was not really active during the heated moment of that evening. I'll be neutral with people who have me blocked but I unfortunately can't reopen a door that had been shut for it's reasons like it once was. Think it's clear the same steps have led to different dances and directions.


Guys I'm going to leave. I feel like I'm in a really awkward spot as I like everyone, past and present and I don't like reading the current upset.
I know some will think I'm being ridiculous because we're all anonymous and don't know each other, but I've been here since February and I feel you do get bonds with people.
I've honestly had a lot of fun joking with you guys and putting the world to rights. I've said some things I wish I could take back too.
I know you guys are a good bunch.
I'm not leaving to go anywhere else, I'm just leaving, now is actually a good time for me to go as things at work are about to get really busy.
Please don't take my leaving as anything other than I'm just leaving. I will keep my BattyBat tiktok account, and maybe I might pop in from time to time.
Take care of yourselves, I'm going to miss you. Thank you for letting me be part of the crew ❤️
bat GIF
You know I understand Batty, please don't be a stranger, there will always be room at our tables for you.
I wish you well in everything you do, take care of yourself.