Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

May 16, 2024
NHS dentists and emergency things are absolutely useless all morning I've spent on hold to be told no help again plucked the courage called 111 they said I need to see a GP today and I have to call them in 15 minutes once the referral reaches them. I hope any racist slur flinging t gets this pain because it's fing awful and they deserve everything awful 😡
Calling people suckkkkks, but I'm glad you are. 🫶

The Narrative

May 19, 2024
I cba with the hypocrites on tt today. I myself liked ZDB up until a while back and he became more cocky. Taurian in Angie's box calling him out yet she's sitting on a racists platform doing it and has also been very transphobic in the past. Alex and pearl shouting about s. Its all double standards for them all. They've all done something wrong at one point on the app and I'm not watching for the next week ,month or year, the debates on it. I'm sticking to FYP or Netflix cos ill flip my fing lid at these today.

Hope all okay with you all ❤
Sep 17, 2024
The money enhances the cognitive dissonance these people have, the gifters not the 'creators' (used very loosely, I've seen more creativity in the Photoshopped pictures in here). They can't do this on insta etc because those 'creators' need brands to pay them. On this hell-app it's down to the public to decide. And let's face it the public cannot be trusted, look who they vote for.
This parasocial s is wild. I can't wait to read the research papers in a few years.
Nov 14, 2023
Every Where
Announcement- we can’t be offended because he was telling it to his black dog. Someone actually used their finger to type that comment. Heather get to do you ignorant woman.

You Are Dumb Mario Lopez GIF
May 16, 2024
Why are the only options blood or suicide? Why can't we ever just expect people to listen to the outrage, apologise profusely for at least the next 24 hours, reflect upon their behaviour and why people are upset, and then to move forward with a greater understanding and the knowledge to not make the same do up again? Why does it always have to be so fing dramatic?

Oh The Drama GIF by MOODMAN