Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Noah peel

Feb 24, 2024
Darkside of the moon
Just got to say this about whole fish wives/ menopause mafia situation, firstly being called a predator or nonce DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY MEAN PAEDO!
None of you are in the right in any of this beef, none of you can call anyone plm when you’ve all sat with them at one time or another, including you furdermore Kelly!
You’re all hypocrites, you’ve all said vile s, you’ve all spoke about each other, all cam 2’d each other, all sat with wrongens!

And Manda, the police aren’t at your beck and call… you can’t tell the police to go to chez and get a live download ffs 🤣🤣

You’ll all be told to leave each other alone first because this is tit for tat


Mar 17, 2024
Bet you didn’t get a video made of you though
Blow Kiss GIF by No Vacation
Will Smith No GIF
May 16, 2024
My dog is scared of fireworks. We've worked on it a lot, and he can cope with going out for a pee when they're a distance away, but I live on an estate so some nights there's no escaping them. He looks at the ceiling looking for them when he can hear them, and doesn't like me having those ceiling projection lights on during the season. I shut the curtains and basically we camp in the bedroom, as that's our safe space and I have blackout curtains in there. I put on some music (I like rock/punk/metal, so it works ok mostly 😂) and sometimes have the taiko drumming playing loud on the TV as well. He comes for a cuddle, he hides under the duvet, he gets brave and lies on the floor for a bit and will come back on the bed when it gets too much again. I try not to react to the fireworks, but I've never been a fan either and can't help physically jumping at some of them. I haven't used any of the products or wrapping techniques, but know they do work for some. I absolutely hate how loud, how unregulated and how inconsiderate this time of year until early next year is. You can't prepare when it's random. ☹️ But if you say anything you're a killjoy, snowflake, Karen etc etc. I don't give a s if you want to set off your explosives, but keep it to Fri - Sun night, between 6 - 11pm only, then everyone would know how long they need to stay in their duvet forts for. 🤷‍♂️