Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Patty B

Feb 28, 2024
Walford London
Yeah, there's one man who has stayed with his home he says he's safe because the wind won't touch his building, it's a hard watch because these poor people are torn between leaving their belongings, pet, memories and homes, and seeking safety elsewhere. It's heartbreaking and i wouldn't wish it upon anyone.
There’s some crazy bastards on youtube doing all that storm chasing. I’m sorry but no


There’s some crazy bastards on youtube doing all that storm chasing. I’m sorry but no
I scrolled into a live where they thought it was a joke and set their gift target to 100 galaxy's and everytime a galaxy was sent they'd open the French doors and throw furniture out. I don't think they realise the storm is going to get a lot worse, and they won't be laughing then.


I'm calling it a night, because i feel totally helpless watching these people as there's nothing anyone can do to help them, I hope when the storm passes they're all safe and their homes are in one piece. 💔

I'm aware I've been a little snappy today and probably come across as a right b, I don't mean to make anyone feel uncomfortable, but it is what it is. If I'm a bit touchy tomorrow then I'll avoid the thread.
Good night and sleep well 🤎