Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Apr 26, 2024
Rent Free In Your Head
wait what GIF
How are newbies commenting more than 3 times….i had to wait days before I got my unlimited comment badge 😩
Well I opened my fing gob didn’t I! I said to admin it was unacceptable to take away my rights, so they gave it to these idiots instead ffs
Mar 2, 2024
That is literally your kind or did you not get that point of reference that you are worse than the collective world leaders. I’m questioning your logic and intelligence. Did you just try to use my insult to insult me? When I already insulted myself? So you thought those words would bother me? When I made it apparent at least you know what you’re getting with the collective world leaders! Hmmmmm I’m sensing you are not a very smart one are you?

That makes literally no sense? So you’d rather sit with world leaders because they’re not as bad as me?! What kind of dumb as clap back is that?! Mwhahahaaa you absolute weapon.
I called you a walking abortion and you got in your feels about it and tried to re word it against me 😂
Look, if you’re not smart enough or funny enough to keep up, it’s ok. Try again next year 😭 Start by making up your own insults and go from there. I won’t laugh at you I promise ☺️


Feb 13, 2024
Fellow truth spouters, I feel so low. Hearing Flange refer to herself as a ‘Creator’ has made me spiral. Like what is the point? Why should we bother to call out any BS when the app continues to enable hideous behaviour?! Can someone send me some MH gifts 🎁🙏🏻
I’ll make you a clique club bracelet ❤️
Apr 26, 2024
Rent Free In Your Head
I didn’t come here to talk to you! I had my opinion but your collective leader decided to make the most obnoxious comment and invalidate my opinion and others because I’m NEW! Awwwwww so sweet they felt the need to let me know the rules of comment cafe! Anyway I’m off to the school if how to be a good little troll! Who can I find to validate my opinions! Bye!
Can you confirm that you’re 💯 fing off, I need get off probation again! You’ve got 8 mins to respond or I’m gonna go heavy scouse on you!


Apr 17, 2023
The do has gone on 😭

pizza fire GIF
Just another whingebag came in crying that we don’t call others out for their hypocrisy. It was pointed out that some of us infact did call these people out for their hypocrisy and now we are all in a clique with a leader whose bum we are all in and Judas is a truth teller.. oh and they don’t like our sweetbutsour.. in a nutshell