Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Nov 10, 2023
Thank you love. I’m ok I just feel a bit like, it’s really insensitive thing to say, because King Kesh is hateful yet irrelevant glob of dried spunk. And I just wish people on platforms would talk about important things like the fact Lisa is very vulnerable and it’s being antagonised, and Sophie is in the most awful situation and Angie is mocking her and I just want Angie to do off tiktok and go scissor Lynz in unwashed ecstasy for the rest of her pointless life. And I also wish I never debunked those messages, because the purpose of it is now misused to allow more ammo towards Lisa and I feel like a scunt tbh
Nov 10, 2023
Also s, I forgot to put in my comment that I just want to say thank you so much to @Grimsby gobbler 👹 for having our back, and you didn’t deserve to be getting s for sticking up for what is right and true. Again, a huge problem on this app.
I’m going to make you a beautiful AI in appreciation because I’m rubbish at saying nice things 🤣
Nov 10, 2023
Thank you love. I’m ok I just feel a bit like, it’s really insensitive thing to say, because King Kesh is hateful yet irrelevant glob of dried spunk. And I just wish people on platforms would talk about important things like the fact Lisa is very vulnerable and it’s being antagonised, and Sophie is in the most awful situation and Angie is mocking her and I just want Angie to do off tiktok and go scissor Lynz in unwashed ecstasy for the rest of her pointless life. And I also wish I never debunked those messages, because the purpose of it is now misused to allow more ammo towards Lisa and I feel like a scunt tbh
I’ve had a run in with that kesh a few months ago on my personal account. They are vile. We know it would never be you or doubtfire.

Angie is a t and so is cockerpoo. Neither of them care how vulnerable Lisa is. Same with Sophie. Angie doesn’t give a do that Sophie is going through so much with her illness and what kaz put her through. All Angie cares about is the money and views. She’s a very selfish sadistic b. Who cares only for herself and her own gain. She’s going to end up a very lonely person eventually.

You debunked the messages. Nothing else. Don’t ever feel guilty for that. There’s still every chance that cockercunt possibly is this Jenny woman. That hasn’t actually been disproven yet.


Dec 21, 2023
Well today has been eventful, not even 5pm and iv already been called a child groomer and fing sausage the dickhead is messaging people telling them I'm a super admin spy from Luton 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣😭

Drunk Happy Hour GIF


May 22, 2024
I think she was taking the piss when she said about mental health and seeing a psych. Judging by the comments where people were pissed off at her saying that. As if Angie would see a professional who could possibly help her 😂 she wouldn't get any views if she sorted herself out!! She referred to it as a "nut nut hospital" so I'm gonna agree with the comments that she was being vile and taking the piss mocking MH. Yet was preaching the other day about Chesters MH. She's a gross creature.
She’s got a mammogram 🙄


May 22, 2024
I’m watching Canadian Angies and I’m astounded how delusive does it. How is Angie holding no liability for that live? She sat back and allowed that on her live. Angie defends the wrong people ALL THE TIME. As if cockerpoo was like “can I expose Lisa Marie on your live?” And that was it? Angie would have had full details and told her “ok but I don’t want people knowing I know anything about this”. Angie isn’t that thick.

I think the ginger wino is just so good at lying and gaslighting people rather have her on their side. do delusive angie too, ya smelly bin bags
There’s no way Angie platformed that without knowing or having some idea what was going to be said. She can claim that’s the case till the cows come home, I don’t believe it for one minute. Even, if for one minute we could swallow that steaming pile of bull 💩, it was her platform. She could have pulled the plug at any point. She chose not to.