Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Apr 6, 2024
Marks & Sparks
Steve Brule GIF by MOODMAN
Apr 5, 2024
John, not everyone who dislikes you are ex PLM. Ur a racist junkie who doxed kids photos, kids addresses, mocked the dead and takes advantage of vulnerable women online.

Get a grip of ur pathetic life and get off the Internet u old decrepit t x
That's what plm would say lol here's another one 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Apr 7, 2024
@judas can't find your tag but arnt you judas in every clapper and demis live 9 out of 10 and all plm related lives etc judas is plm the person you all call leader is actually one of the main ones from clapper slappers imagine that I'll prove it over the next few days baited her out a few times and she don't even know it lmao comment cafe is run by plm you silly fs 😜 and tiktok will get to know now WATCH
am no silly t, and no one runs me, i come to give an opinion ya daft t
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
@judas can't find your tag but arnt you judas in every clapper and demis live 9 out of 10 and all plm related lives etc judas is plm the person you all call leader is actually one of the main ones from clapper slappers imagine that I'll prove it over the next few days baited her out a few times and she don't even know it lmao comment cafe is run by plm you silly fs 😜 and tiktok will get to know now WATCH
You actually deep me way too much. Calling me a leader is a joke. I'm a random person who uses this forum and watches online drama. I don't have any special perks. We don't have a discord, we don't work here and vlad the tech support guy isn't real. It's all satire to get people to bite and it's clearly worked 😭


May 29, 2024
That's what plm would say lol here's another one 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Or is it anyone with fing morals? All I've witnessed of you is admitting to putting children at risk, standing by a weirdo who put kids on miscarriages and deceased babies, talking badly about angel babies and being racist.

You are pond scum. You are filth. Your little friend Sammy is just as bad and both of you need to stop acting like your s don't stink. Vile vile creatures.


She was 2 on that she's alot older now my kids are safe now do off and stop acting like you all k ow this forum is full off ppl that ended up in that group just like thousands on tiktok you don't know there stories and I'm not outing others in here that I know were in it cause they went through hell to now just put me on ignore or do off
Like I said, I feel for your daughter, but YOU put her in that situation, YOU knew what that group was about and YOU STILL involved yourself in it, as a parent it's YOUR responsibility to keep your kids safe.
Would I do join ANY plm group or put my kids at risk... Take some responsibility for fing up and the s you've done.

You're trying to take the moral high ground and look for sympathy. do off!! I may not know a lot about that group but I know enough to NOT get involved in it. - some of us have morals.
You played with fire and you got burnt. That's on YOU!!