Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

your absolutely fin nuts an absolute bull ster. Get a life instead of being on here 24/7 consumed with fin paranoia!!!! my post is there. Get out touch grass or go and treat your extreme fin paranoia now do off and when ya get there do off a bit more
Yes, Judas is nuts. But she’s our nutter! You’re in here crying and doxxing yourself with misuse of the English language. I’ll stuff that grass down your throat you twunt. Get back in the reject thread.
Jun 8, 2024
You could give two ss? Do you mean “couldn’t” cause otherwise that means you don’t want people to know. Why are you doxxing yourself? You’re being weird 😭 no wonder people didn’t like you in here

do you think i give a do if people on an internet troll forum don’t like me 🤣i get out and about with my family and mates im not butt hurt over gobby pricks 😘😘


Feb 28, 2024
oh and dox myself because i’m not a fin pussy that needs to hide behind a fake account constantly. Why would be arsed about people knowing who i am?? 🤣🤣
So you left the thread then, thats on your own choice. You can see what is said but is there any need to carry it on? We are grown adults, Everyone needs to just stay in their own threads, hence why I'm staying on here now.


Feb 28, 2024
What am I paranoid of 😭 can you make me a list please
Honestly need to make a chart on every time you have told people not to dox themselves 🤣🤣
Calculate Figure It Out GIF by funk
Jun 8, 2024
Yes, Judas is nuts. But she’s our nutter! You’re in here crying and doxxing yourself with misuse of the English language. I’ll stuff that grass down your throat you twunt. Get back in the reject thread.

haha do off man your probably a little freak who just gobs off only on a fake account 🤣why’s it so secretive? why do people remain anonymous?
haha do off man your probably a little freak who just gobs off only on a fake account 🤣why’s it so secretive? why do people remain anonymous?
I remain anonymous because I’m wanted in 5 countries. Yeah, I gob off on fakes, that’s my thing. I’m having a pretty good time. Doxx yourself some more though because I’m having one hell of a good laugh here right now 😂 tell me what school you went to, your favourite place to eat, what’s your reg number? Someone was brave enough to doxx their passport number. Dare you to go one better 😍