Katie Reed @ Katiereed87


Jun 13, 2024
Well you are the one who is watching her all the time so you are obsessed with her and you then come on here to talk about her so you really don’t care about her do you lol you are the ones who are watching her because having a conversation about her life all the time and what has it got to do with you and why do you feel the need to talk about her and how does people not know what you’re life is like and what you’re home is like and I bet you live in a dump but you hide behind a fake account and you jump on Katie and you don’t even know what her house is like you don’t even know her and don’t u think about if Katie was such a bad person and a bad mother and her house was so bad that the social services would be concerned about it but they were not concerned about it and they have closed the case and they have no concern about the kids or the house and they are proud of Katie and they have nothing to worry about so that’s all that matters so go away and worry about your own life and leave her alone and her kids alone
I watch eastenders everyday don’t mean I’m obsessed with it 😂😂😂 my life is a million times better than hers and I’m proud my life ain’t like hers now jog on


Jun 7, 2024
I watch eastenders everyday don’t mean I’m obsessed with it 😂😂😂 my life is a million times better than hers and I’m proud my life ain’t like hers now jog on
Well you are so bothered about her life that you post about her and watch her but you don’t have a clue about the actual real Katie and the fact that she has been through a hard time but she is that bad that the kids dad stopped seeing his kids because his girlfriend didn’t want him having his kids there anymore and the kids girlfriend has done nothing but talk about Katie and post about her and say that she is a bad mother but the kids dad’s girlfriend is the one that doesn’t want him having his kids and Katie has her kids full custody and she should never have had her kids taken away from her last year for no reason no one should ever be put through that and the kids dad is the one who is smoking weed and doesn’t pay for his kids or have them and he goes out drinking with his girlfriend and his friend that he accuses of trying to get it on with his girlfriend but Katie is the only person who is getting treated like s but she is the one that is doing the job and she is the only person that is being there for her kids so why don’t you just leave her alone and let her be happy and let her have a peaceful life and stop talking about her and her kids


Jun 13, 2024
Don’t watch me then go away and mind your business and I didn’t ask for anything and my son was not crying and u are a lier and a loser and how about you stop lying about me I am the only person who is there for my children and I give them everything and love were is there dad off the year who dumped them and don’t bother with them or pay for them but is smoking weed every day and out on the piss with the girlfriend who stopped my kids staying with them and the girlfriend that was posting about me for months saying that I was a bad mother and that social services were telling her stuff about me being a bad mother but I am the one that has my kids full time and social services are not conserd about my kids and they are not worried about me and they are very happy with me and they have even close the case but I am still the person getting slated by u people that don’t know me go get on with ur life and leave me alone I think it’s funny how the kids dad and girlfriend smoke weed and go out drinking and have no one criticising them lol the funniest thing is they were out yesterday night drinking and with his best friend who his girlfriend said to him he tried it on with her and now they are all besties again lol 😂 jokes
I didn’t say ur son was crying if u read it properly I said ur son still not had is tea someone else commented he was crying n I don’t care what the kids dad does with his girlfriend like I said my kids dads ain’t ever paid for them and I’ll tell u something I ain’t begged and borrowed to get through life I’m a very proud mum who can stand there with her head held high and say I have done it with no help I don’t sit on tiktok begging say I need it for this and that and like I said how can I be talking lies I’m talking facts about stuff that is shown on ur lives
I live way over 300 miles from you so how would I know all this stuff if it not shown on ur lives and u keep goin on about dad of the year smoking weed what about ur addiction u make out ur perfect wen ur not end of the day u was more bothered about ranting on tiktok than sorting dinner you should of sorted dinner out for ur kids in bed then had ur rant aint fare on ur kids seeing and hearing it all end of the day ur the parent who they live with so sort ur life out cos the day they old enough to move u will regret ur actions wen they was younger and u can’t n won’t ever b able to change to so sort it now whilst u can


Jun 13, 2024
Don’t watch me then go away and mind your business and I didn’t ask for anything and my son was not crying and u are a lier and a loser and how about you stop lying about me I am the only person who is there for my children and I give them everything and love were is there dad off the year who dumped them and don’t bother with them or pay for them but is smoking weed every day and out on the piss with the girlfriend who stopped my kids staying with them and the girlfriend that was posting about me for months saying that I was a bad mother and that social services were telling her stuff about me being a bad mother but I am the one that has my kids full time and social services are not conserd about my kids and they are not worried about me and they are very happy with me and they have even close the case but I am still the person getting slated by u people that don’t know me go get on with ur life and leave me alone I think it’s funny how the kids dad and girlfriend smoke weed and go out drinking and have no one criticising them lol the funniest thing is they were out yesterday night drinking and with his best friend who his girlfriend said to him he tried it on with her and now they are all besties again lol 😂 jokes
Also if it wasn’t for u shouting ya mouth off half of us didn’t know about coming here to read and write about u so u got urself to blame when more n more people will have there say about you

see it all.

Jun 1, 2024
Well we'll well. I watched all her lives from yesterday n omg she's a lunatic!! Constantly repeating herself convincing ONLY herself how great of a person she is n doesn't beg or ask for gifts...OK YEAH right!! I love how she think people who are against her on social media that we are all from Hastings!! Like I've said time n ti.e NO I DO NOT KNOW YOUR PERSPNALLY KATIE REED I've never met you I live half the other side of the country from you YOU BLAB ALL YOUR PERSONAL INFO ON TIKTOK THIS IS HOW WE KNOW SO MUCH ABKUT YOU!! GET THAT IN YOU THICK HEAD!!!!!!!! She's says come on her live and say it all to her face..but the thing is she insults and blocks anyone who says anything negative about her so it's much more fun watching her get effected due to people knowing what a scrag and lying manipulating beg she is keeping her guessing and paranoid because this is called KARMA! People are rising up now and speaking out. She was on a right one last night!! Speeding her tits off no doubt! Loved it when someone popped in her live and said about her scrounging and that they've reported her to the benefits! I'm yet to do the same n yes I have all her personal info coz again it's plastered by her for all to hear! Ohhh she didn't arf get effected I was howling!! See then she tried pull a fast one by saying..so guys don't gift..don't paypal me..because you will get done ..hoping people would feel sorry for her and gifts but it didn't work as much as she'd hoped it to have HAHAHA every chance she gets she tries to slip SCROUNGING in!! She's addicted to begging on tiktok. She needs help. My argument it SHE OPENS HER LEGS PRODUCESS KIDS AND EXPECTS THE PEOPLE OF TIKTOK TO SUPPORT THEM!! SHAMELESS SND EMBARRASSING.
Making Marley wait until 8pm for his tea which would of gone cold coz she was rabbiting on probably speeding about how much of a great person she is...even her kids don't want to get involved when she's shouting out what's been said about her on here or TATTLE life the kids don't say a single word as you can see they know we are all correct what's being said about her THE TRUTH!! It's such a shame for them having that embarrassment as a mother...n I cannot n will not go on about the father to the kids because he's out of the picture and he doesn't come on tiktok begging for money..she tries to s him off desperately to tiktok but I don't care coz he don't come on live n if he did I'd have no clue who he is..but how great would it be if he raised his voice and spike up about Katie the way she does him. The benefits will go right through her bank staments she does not know what's she's heading for n for and they will see how much she's had over her time on tiktok doesn't matter if it's the King or Queen who sent her money to help ANYONE who send her money is classed as income and the amount of screen recordings I've got of her jumping about begging..paypal in bio blar blar blar the dwp are not fools...plus according to Katie she's on full wack PIP and ESA SUPPORT GROUP AND UC that's not including her full rent paid! She's on good money and yet can't well should say won't spend it on her kids as SHE WANTS THAT ALL FOR HER SELFISH SELF and expects tiktok to fund her kids the money. Al be honest I'm fascinated by her as I've honestly never know anyone like her for greed selfishness..liar..and all that crap she was banging on about yesterday/night about us calling us trolls etc..she was actually referring to herself..she knows what's she's doing..the acting thing is we know what your doing too. Not gullable like the poor followers are..and wasn't she chuffed with herself for saying no she don't need money after that follower called Sarah had inboxed her asking does she need any money...when actually Katie only said no because she was getting hammered in her chat about scrounging n begging gaslighting so she made it common knowledge to make her look good!! Pmsl that would of been knoring away at her that she turned down free money and regretted it probably list sleep last night thinking about it HAHAHAGAHA ...she's a disgusting sneak... and I think she does need a deep dive on her by FACT FREAK coz this beast is a hell of alot more of a beg rotton than some of the beggars on tiktok that have been exposed. Like I said I wanted to make people aware and I will continue to do so until I have to..also she triggers people on her..mate of mine watched her after me telling her about her and my mate round me a few days later saying how she can't watch her no more she had triggered my mate badly from watching Katie beg lie manipulate gaslight that my mate got so angry how she was allowed to behave in such a manner by the way she was towards innocent followers /people that she threw her phone down in anger and blocked katies as her behaviour had similarities and he took every last penny off her and lied to people saying he had nothing...so KATIE YOU ARE EFFECTING/TRIGGERING PEOPLE/S mental health therefore as many people as possible need making aware of you.
Probably won't be on live today coz she been paid mouthed it out enough on her live again her personally business that she doesn't tell anyone 😂😂😂 dick!! N yeah will be needing popcorn fa cinemas coz poor marley will need it n it's very expensive for Katie to spend the money the government gives her for the welfare of her kids on marley! Oh God forbid!! She thinks she's entitled to free money of begging on a live stream but thing is LIFE IS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU KATIE REED thousands of single parents manage to cope without scrounging from the public so this proves your a liar...and oh how I was in stitches her banging on about how she pays her bills...and it's cosing more coz she has her kids full time... WAKY WAKY KATE YA SCRUFF you've bern getting government money since you had your kids nothing has changed...just means you can't kerp of the money for your selfish self lazy arse like you were used to when the father had them the other half the month. You have to share your spend for the sake of your children..n maybe DECORATE that cesspit you live in. It's dark shabby minging out dated..dirty scruffy even the mirror in the kitchen it dirty smeary like misty..pure filth n lazy should rename Katie the FULL BLACK BIN BAG LADY WHO LIVES IN A HOUSE LIKE THIS... well that be Katie lazy workshy Reed.

see it all.

Jun 1, 2024
I think she needs to learn to manage her money who gets paid on a Friday gone by the Monday there are plenty of people struggling I have watch this lady silently for a while and she always begging for money .. imagine begging for your own children's birthdays . I was a single parent and I went without to get my child presents . Always poor Katie

see it all.

Jun 1, 2024
She's a con man n extremely deceiving..biggest beg out there who thinks she's entitled. Never know anyone get people to gift or paypal or bank transfere from a total stranger the money for a KFC coz she fancy one...honestly we all fancy some treats from time to time but we go without until we can afford them. She's absolutely disgusting and horrible..

see it all.

Jun 1, 2024
😂😂😂 honestly I thought with her speeches she was trying for Prime minister oooo she was on one 😂 🤣🤣 she seriously forgets her own lies...she trips herself up..her kids drop her in it... she's thick as a pig in s.

see it all.

Jun 1, 2024
I watched that too.. remember it so well...she got nasty when people said let's see the van n she was like THERE OUT SIDE ..but would she show the good people of tiktok that van? Nope! Her plan didn't work..think she wanted £80 saying they sais give £80 then tbry will go away...then she went off line came back and said they will take£40 now... LMFAO as iff I was so glad no one gave her money ...she's a fraudster and people are finally speaking up now. Enough is enough 😤

see it all.

Jun 1, 2024
Maybe the MOD sees Katie's for what she really is?! See how she thought she was a clever detective thinking she was on to something!! I hope the Mod is on her..maybe they can speak up about her make more awareness!!! Yep katie cannot handle the fact that people can see through her sneaky sly lying ways and thinks we are all local to her she can't handle the fact that LOTS OF PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE KATIE SHES A CHEAT AND CONMAN ohh n according to Katie I'm the Exs girlfriend 😂😂😂😂😂😂 whereas in fact I'm just a silent watcher watching her manipulate scrounge lie deceive many vunerable people on her live on tiktok who is making people aware of her behaviour and it's lovely to see more people shouting out about her twisted schemes to con money from many vunerable innocent people. All this misery she's having is bought on by herself.. that wonderful word called KARMA 👏 🙌 ❤️