Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Feb 29, 2024
If the decoy does not initiate conversation and states their age to start with then it's not classed as entrapment..that's how hunting teams (reputable ones) do it and get convictions. Sounds like these muppets are just clout chasing and ruining any ongoing investigation by real hunters
The hunting team can not make contact first, I bet he doesn't follow the rules. He's a proper wanker! He basically told me to shut up when he was doing a TT video as I was getting my grandson a highchair. He walked pasted me with his gf and 2 dogs and didn't say a word to my face. Pity hubby wasn't there as he would have took him down a peg or two 🤣🤣


Apr 15, 2024
St Mary Mead
Had restless legs last night so feeling knackered. Hubby rang me up at 7am to get up early (as been sleeping too much) he's left his pack lunch in the kitchen. If I tell him he'll know I've only just got up 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I get RLS and I bought a magnesium cream to rub on the bottom of my feet. Didn't make a difference, it actually made me feel worse due to the strong smell of lavender. 🤢


Dec 21, 2023
i wont lie i had a feeling last night she would have the victim on and then claim its not enough evidence and get the perp in the box
I have a feeling she's going to do it as well. She will be seething at Taurians Live this morning and will likely take it out on that victim and downplay the seriousness of the awareness.