Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Mar 17, 2024
I hope so it’s just the cousin that’s against it mum dad & brother had actually accepted it that’s why family friends been going up to say good bye to be confronted with the latest news x
Sending a virtual hug 🤗
Monsters Inc Hug GIF
Feb 29, 2024
please can you tell me if I’m being a ass hole plz
I’m absolutely fing head fed go hospital to say good bye to hear from his cousin that they decided to now have that Tracky thing put in his throat keep him alive he is a vegetable the 7 doctors told family this over weekend this why they said turn machine off his mum dad was ok with that because they said was for the best but cousin got in there heads said she will look after him this is complete fing madness it really is he never eat drink talk walk nothing he’s gone in my eyes that fing cousin doing this I had to walk out out of respect for his mum dad & brother I’m fing lost for words I really am and I’m so mad at same time why why why they letting the cousin get in their heads so many mixed emotions I just don’t know what to think or say but all I know I went to say good bye to my best friend 😢😢
Would it be worth having a word with the doctor in charge? Maybe get them to explain the extent of the care and stress involved with looking after someone with minimal brain activity!
I’m guessing your good friend was too young to have written out a will… I understand the family and yourself are probably in a weird stage of grief right now…. But are they considering what their son would have wanted? Would he want to still be here being kept alive by a machine with little dignity?
The NHS are brilliant but we all know it’s not the same as it used to be…. What are they going to do if he ends up in a home being neglected! Not being turned enough so he’s suffering with bed sores? The cousin isn’t thinking things through! Caring for someone who can’t do anything for themselves is a hard and emotional job! She will have to give up a lot to care for him…. It’s not like she can just pop in once a day to see how he is it would be round the clock care!
It’s such a devastating situation but coming from someone who has worked in nursing homes and with end of life patients it’s not easy, Sometimes family emotions do more damage than good!

I know this is a sensitive question but is he an organ donor? Maybe even just showing them how he can still help people, would be another way to ease the pain of him passing? Knowing that he could give someone else another chance and a part of him still living on?
I’m so sorry if anything I say upsets you it’s not my intention! I just want to help because I can’t imagine the pain you are all going through!
Sending lots of love! Stay strong ❤️
She said it was 20 odd years ago and she broke her pelvis, did she get her nooni out and show that? Did she have nooni scars?
She didn't she said it happened when she was 13 years old she is claiming she's now 26 years old, she said she broke alot of her lower half and had reconstruction surgery ect. She would still have scars
Apr 7, 2024
Yes by what I’ve been told
This happened to my nephew my sister had to turn her sons life support off, It's horrific,so the doctors have probably spoke to them about organ donation, they might take them aside and have a word it costs a fortune to keep anyone on life support, what the hell is the cousin thinking putting this into their heads 😔
Feb 29, 2024
Sorry guys for posting my latest post I’m just frazzled with mixed emotions 🤎🩷
Don’t feel pressured to reply to my essay! I just wanted to give a different perspective… it’s hard to see things from everyside when it’s someone you really love, I hope the family make the best decision for their son! I think it’s also hard when we see so many ‘miracles’ on tv and in the media about people who have been in comas or had strokes and woken up miraculously unharmed! It give families false hope that if they just hang on a little longer there might be some hope, when 9 times out of 10 it’s not the case because doctors have to do so many tests before they can declare someone won’t recover from their injuries 😞
Again I’m so sorry you are going through this it’s actually so upsetting and hard to deal with and it’s not even happening to someone I know! I can feel your pain though😭 ❤️