Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Apr 10, 2024
Feel better soon my little tree x
Thanks Thank You GIF by Rory

Hope you're having a good day, Nolan ❤️
Feb 29, 2024
I try desperately not to judge but sadly I think it’s human nature to do so. I genuinely find not commenting on it very difficult but that’s because I’ve experienced it first hand so struggle to understand some of what it is they choose to do. I have no problem with fundraising to make memories with Isla or equipment for Isla etc. I’ve no doubt I’d have probably done similar if the opportunities to do so were there at the time. Again I struggle when that fundraising crosses over in to funding a lifestyle for the parents but like you that’s just my opinion.

10 hours on live “heart me’s / hearts in chat / help us on the dailies” isn’t my idea of memories but I guess maybe I need to remember everyone’s idea of memories are different.

Obviously my opinion is heavily influenced by my own personal experiences and maybe that comes across as judgey or insensitive. I just know whatever time is left cannot be got back. I know there are many in the community that have followed Isla’s journey and feel part of it but ultimately they aren’t. There’s no obligation to share. There’s no shame in stepping back and spending time off camera with Isla.

I have so much more I could say but I’m going to stop 🫣 sorry
May 16, 2024
Definition of the word Gimp according to the dictionary: "Twisted silk, worsted, or cotton with cord or wire running through it, used chiefly as upholstery trimming."
"Fishing line made of silk bound with wire."

According to other definitions when used as a 'slang' term (TW):
"A sexual fetishist who likes to be dominated and who dresses in a leather or rubber body suit with mask, zips, and chains." I am now very uncomfortable 😭😭
I only knew of the 18+ definition. 🤣

It's also the name of an image editor.
Feb 29, 2024
They normally can tell you if you tell them your symptoms. Mine is self diagnosed but I’m pretty sure I have it as I don’t have a gallbladder and if I eat the wrong food you don’t wanna be near me
I think mines due to anxiety as only in the morning. Getting a meds review and a call regarding my bum 🤣 this morning
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
Can anyone tell me if a doctor thinks you've got IBS do you have to have a camera up your bum 🥺
Depends , I have crohns so I get them every 6 months, my husband has chronic ibs but has only had 1 scope. I think they do it to confirm the diagnosis. The scope isn’t that bad,you can get sedatives but I don’t bother. The laxative you need to drink the day before is the worst part 🤢