Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Apr 17, 2023
Can’t lie, its irritating me, Numerous comments about ‘you’ll come for me now I’ve said something about baguette’. Firstly quit doing what those creators do by lumping us all together as one. I love baguette but I’ve also voiced when I didn’t like something she’s done and would voice it again. It’s do all to do with it being baguette! Are we at school here? Voice what the do you like 🙄 and don’t come at me for other peoples comments towards you either
May 16, 2024
If I was looking for a particular clip of something who would be the most likely person to have it? Checked the observer YouTube and boogies but neither have it.
It's something from Angie's live on the 25th.
👋 I have things, too.

I don't know what, cuz I can't remember what happened, but yeah. 😂

Edit: holy do, I have lots of things. I just checked my tablet and 😱. 😂 I must've just left the f to record. 😂

Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
Msg quoted below I said couldn't you leave or go to a new thread 🧵

What I accept was I could of phrased it better , so what I meant was if it's alot for you and you feel it's to cliquey couldn't you join a different thread that still discusses tik tok stuff,

I know with myself if I get to much into something that I don't like I just french exit and don't go back, like with tik tok or here you can block and go or ignore someone's MSG's

I should have phrased it better definitely
I’ve put the people on ignore


Feb 28, 2024
No i won’t do off out of here with my bollocks🤫when exactly did i say i felt sorry 4 her 🥱i don't feel sorry 4 her. I feel sorry 4 her viewers. I feel sorry for miss baguettes viewers last night. I feel sorry for whoever was hurt by last nights events. The live baguette done was wrong. It does make us as a whole look like bastards. It’s made other creators look like bastards. Hayley n fact freak. Angie is a bastard but does any of us have to stoop that low? I’m prepared for the backlash cos i stood up for what i believe which will go against ur miss bagutte. Going this low in my view just to create a platform makes u no better. I’ve read posts in here with the same people mocking factfreak 🤐There is a clique in here n that’s why i have never commented or created an account. Baguette get ur platform on tiktok that u r craving. Coming across as a massive attention seeker
I haven't mocked him, just said my gut finds something off about him and idk what 🤷‍♂️ i might be wrong hence why I haven't acted on it or explored it

Patty B

Feb 28, 2024
Walford London
I didn't tell anyone to leave but surely if you don't like it as much as they keep on saying because of people etc in here then why keep on coming on?? I ain't starting beef with anyone and I thought the whole point was you can comment on anything in here?
I'm not using anyone in here for my platform either just like comment cafe hate all being lumped together stop lumping all tik tokers that have a platform to speak on together!!!

I don't care if people think im in here for views etc I sit with less than a hundred people in my room and I'll still say what I need to say I don't give a do about the gifts views etc I've built up my own community and some comment cafe people come in and watch

I'm aware of the vibe in here about tik tokers coming in and we are not wanted but I expect the same courtesy that comment cafe members expect don't lump us all together , people aren't gonna like me but I joined comment cafe after researching and seeing what you guys were about due to everyone always coming for you guys as a collective I see everyone in here has their own minds and opinions not everyone is gonna like me I honestly couldn't give a do!! I still like the vibe in here the people as individuals and no matter what you all stand on the same morality scale as me, yes I'm a tik toker but I'm not here for your praise or views I'm here to express myself as you all do and cause I enjoy the vibes , ☺️
Why shouldn’t they keep coming on. It’s not your place to suggest anything. We don’t come onto TikTok suggesting how you run your lives so don’t come here suggesting who sits in a forum


Feb 29, 2024
Formally NettieNewt
There really is. I could name names but i don’t want people to feel attacked. And because someone has self harmed. Even it was for attention it’s not normal mental behaviour. Comment cafe call out bad behaviour. Can’t call out bad behaviour whilst doing the worst. Yes we all dislike angie but if she was to off herself it would be comment cafe that many would blame. Wrongly maybe but true.
But if someone in here offed themselves and it was in response to something Angie said or did what do you think she would say and do? Do you think she would feel bad? Or do you think she will hop on a live, say if people were triggered they shouldn't watch her, they probably said something to offend her and whatever she did was just a response, do you think she would take any accountability?
Why is it "bullying" when anyone says anything to Angie but when she's upset people it was a"response"?


Apr 17, 2023
Came away from TikTok today as I can’t bare the hypocrisy and delusions by the usual said creators 🫠

Instead I’m spending the day away with my beautiful family sat infront of a nice view dinking a few cold lucozades(I don’t drink🫣)

On a serious level, I do hope everyone’s ok❤️
And hope everyone’s enjoying there Saturday✌🏽🤎

That looks beautiful 😍 enjoy


Apr 15, 2024
St Mary Mead
There really is. I could name names but i don’t want people to feel attacked. And because someone has self harmed. Even it was for attention it’s not normal mental behaviour. Comment cafe call out bad behaviour. Can’t call out bad behaviour whilst doing the worst. Yes we all dislike angie but if she was to off herself it would be comment cafe that many would blame. Wrongly maybe but true.
But why even name name's? If those people are in a clique who cares and how really does it affect you, me or anyone else

Patty B

Feb 28, 2024
Walford London
What did you get? I’m just going to order a Chinese but want something different
I got some chocolate and some of them flaming wotsits but they are sweet chilli and more like niknaks if that makes sense but they are sooooo good. I might order some loaded fries. I was supposed to go out tonight but I just can’t be bothered. It’s ladies day and town will be full of slappers to put it politely 😂


Jun 26, 2024
Does anyone else wanna see this "police report" Angie's made?

If I was an officer I would be deceased 😷

So this miss baguette made a song about me because I said my father was deceased from drinking brocolli smoothies, I then said I had intercourse with my father but incest is ok isn't it ? If consensual? Anyway I also claimed to diddle my cat dog goldfish , but Im being bullied on a public platform for it
Jul 26, 2024
But if someone in here offed themselves and it was in response to something Angie said or did what do you think she would say and do? Do you think she would feel bad? Or do you think she will hop on a live, say if people were triggered they shouldn't watch her, they probably said something to offend her and whatever she did was just a response, do you think she would take any accountability?
Why is it "bullying" when anyone says anything to Angie but when she's upset people it was a"response"?
Oh i agree with you 100%. I just don’t think we should go as low as that tit to get our point across. I had massive respect for miss baguette till last night i’m sorry for how i feel. Bullying a bully makes nobody any better. Awareness n bullying are not the same
Feb 29, 2024
There really is. I could name names but i don’t want people to feel attacked. And because someone has self harmed. Even it was for attention it’s not normal mental behaviour. Comment cafe call out bad behaviour. Can’t call out bad behaviour whilst doing the worst. Yes we all dislike angie but if she was to off herself it would be comment cafe that many would blame. Wrongly maybe but true.
It's her fault if she did anything, she drinks too much and then goes off on one. She's been going for DV victims all week. It's emotional abuse she dose. So if she was a man kept going for people say they have slept with their sister and mum, would she have the surport! Sorry but I've had emotional abuse and if he had killed himself because people called him out, I wouldn't be to blame!!! You get dirty perverts going jail and they kill them self's because they can't cope with what people say and the shame! Saying you've self-harming because people taking the piss out of your dad after saying you've slept with him....
Jul 26, 2024
It's her fault if she did anything, she drinks too much and then goes off on one. She's been going for DV victims all week. It's emotional abuse she dose. So if she was a man kept going for people say they have slept with their sister and mum, would she have the surport! Sorry but I've had emotional abuse and if he had killed himself because people called him out, I wouldn't be to blame!!! You get dirty perverts going jail and they kill them self's because they can't cope with what people say and the shame! Saying you've self-harming because people taking the piss out of your dad after saying you've slept with him....
Look i am agreeing with you. Angie does have a large platform so does her little cronies. It would be span that if anything happened it would be down to us/some of us as everybody likes to see anybody in here as 1. I am not blaming what angie done on anybody on here. That is not what i’m saying


Jun 26, 2024
Why shouldn’t they keep coming on. It’s not your place to suggest anything. We don’t come onto TikTok suggesting how you run your lives so don’t come here suggesting who sits in a forum

I already explained I get I could of worded it differently I'm not here for beef there's enough of that going around

And any suggestions for lives would be great 😃 get my numbers up 😂😂