Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
I know I take the piss sometimes and try to have a bit of bantz , I guess it's just my way of dealing with situations sometimes to try and keep a good outlook on things, but I genuinely hope everyone stays safe , at a time we need to be looking out for each other. I know the majority here have a brain cell and will stay indoors whilst all this s is kicking off, but the majority here are good people and everyone deserves to feel safe.
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
But do they have to pay for anything out of that £49? I'd like that to play with weekly,I have bugger all left after iv paid everything, I'm a carer for my 😔
I'm unsure of their expenses as I don't know these people personally but all they are provided with is 3 meals a day and a basic hotel room. The meals consists of a cold breakfast, a sandwich and a hot mystery meal at night.

But again it's not about who has it worse. Or who has what to pay. Surely we both know that £50 a week doesn't stretch very far. It's not a luxury lifestyle.

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
But do they have to pay for anything out of that £49? I'd like that to play with weekly,I have bugger all left after iv paid everything, I'm a carer for my mum😔

I hardly have enough to pay for anything once I've paid everything , both me and my Wife work very hard and we mostly live one pay to the next , but I couldn't even imagine leaving my home country, to go to another to be given £50 a week, especially after putting my life on the line to cross different countries.

Apr 7, 2024
and I'm not even sure if everyone living in these hotels are getting meals. I just know one I know of they do and that's what I consist of. It might not be the same everywhere.
What the last gov pay for benefits is a drop in the ocean compared to what they where handing out to their mates businesses, expenses and tax evasion.


Feb 28, 2024
Money isn't everything in life, and the last few weeks have certainly taught me that well. I'd give up everything like Netflix , Spotify etc to have a normal fing day in life , but that's how life works and I certainly wouldn't risk my life, or that of my families for £50 , that'd be the last thing on my mind.
I grew up with no money. Had to get cheap uniform and couldn't even afford holidays abroad, had to make my own holiday memories with what we had in the house. We never had fancy phones or video games but we were happy. allowed us to realise the sentimental things and work for stuff we really wanted. We were grateful to have a roof over our heads

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
I grew up with no money. Had to get cheap uniform and couldn't even afford holidays abroad, had to make my own holiday memories with what we had in the house. We never had fancy phones or video games but we were happy. allowed us to realise the sentimental things and work for stuff we really wanted. We were grateful to have a roof over our heads

We were pretty much the same, didn't have a lot, but grew up appreciating it. That's why I work my hardest now to try and give my two boys what I never had and they appreciate what they have in life. I'd give it all away in a heart beat if it meant giving them a better life though


Feb 28, 2024
Council have told my girlfriends place that tomorrow and Saturday will be protests
Scared Kermit The Frog GIF
Feb 29, 2024
We were pretty much the same, didn't have a lot, but grew up appreciating it. That's why I work my hardest now to try and give my two boys what I never had and they appreciate what they have in life. I'd give it all away in a heart beat if it meant giving them a better life though
Lovely to hear your stories 💙💙 I unfortunately had a terrible childhood as went through the care system. BUT I soon made up for it by having my own children. I have never had much money but I feel I picked the biggest straw. Blessed with a grandson 💙