Yeah, it's definitely not cheaper overall anymore. I have preferred products at all the supermarkets. Aldi tends to have better microwave meals, like their stew & dumplings are better than the ones Asda sell, but Sainsbury's is better for the "fresh" "takeaway" style pizzas (or were until my local store stopped selling the veggie one. fing bastards.) than Aldi. If I was rich and/or could drive I'd probably hit all the stores for different produce each time.I used Aldi most of the time when kids where growing up. But I've noticed a change before covid with the prices. Manly shop at Tesco as its 5 min walk. Did used to go M&S a couple times a month to get a treat for dinner (tea) but our huge store has closed down
But, to stay on topic, do Angela, stinking pissy pants b.