Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx


May 6, 2023
Or maybe we could ask y

Says The 57 year old man on a trolling forum?? 🤣🤣 as you wouldn't speak to me directly would you like to do it here publicly Paul? Or would you like to actually stop finf harassing me fella ? Maybe I ahold message your retired mate from the police force and ask him some advice on your on going behaviour ??
Is fella your new favourite work K?

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
There seems to be a lot of slating men of her only hams lately, I'm pretty sure this isn't allowed even if they asked to for it as it's a service, not for public purposes!
I hope people from her only fans are seeing what she is doing with people personal and private information,
I'm sure the photos she shared just could be classed as "revenge porn" she seems to be threatening to go to the police etc over Paul but let's hope they don't look into what she is posting

Maggot Robbie

Jun 5, 2023
My followers think it's weird enough rhat an old man is spe ding his evenings obsessing over a woman 15 years younger than him and sat commenting about me with a bunch of women who called him a peadiphile 🤷‍♀️ maybe Paul your boss would like to see your behaviour online ? Or your ex wife ? Or your kids ?
You fing loser Kayleigh. He's not said anything bad about you. He came on here to defend himself. You've targeted him. You (we've seen the screenshot) have been trying to phone him despite saying that he's harassing you and actually blocking him anyway. What planet are you on that you think you can threaten people like you do? You will do it to the wrong person one day and you will really fing regret it. You're scum.

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
There's people in the world that do pigs, Paul. It doesn't make it right but it happens. If you found her "alluring" then good for you. Different strokes, or in your case, species, different blokes an all that..

There's people in the world that do pigs, Paul. It doesn't make it right but it happens. If you found her "alluring" then good for you. Different strokes, or in your case, species, different blokes an all that..
Please, don't use pig, it's not fair. Pigs are clean animals


Jun 5, 2023
We would say it to you on your social media but you block anyone that you don't like the look of, has a pet for a profile picture or looks pretty has a nice pert set of boobs and any other excuse that you make up, you sit on your lives just to bloke people! They were your followers and actually liked you till you did this to most of them then they end up here part of a growing a cup crew 👌
I'm thankful you all spend so much time thinking about me and spending most of your time commenting, watching , scrutinising, judging , stalking , harassing , fabricating and being creeps over me to be honest . People who I never even knew existed and couldn't give 2 fs about yet spend their life commenting about mine 🤣🤣 live your own lives you freaks and stop obsessing over mine .

Any whooo it's been fun , but I am currently busy being child free and putting my feet up with a nice cuppa tea xx
Apr 16, 2023
I'm thankful you all spend so much time thinking about me and spending most of your time commenting, watching , scrutinising, judging , stalking , harassing , fabricating and being creeps over me to be honest . People who I never even knew existed and couldn't give 2 fs about yet spend their life commenting about mine 🤣🤣 live your own lives you freaks and stop obsessing over mine .

Any whooo it's been fun , but I am currently busy being child free and putting my feet up with a nice cuppa tea xx

Why do you use being child free as if it's a trophy? Most normal parents don't brag about such things. I'm currently putting my feet up with a cuppa, and my life partner, in our modern house with our child quite happy to spend time together because none of us are poisonous fs that can't go 5 minutes without acting a total arse wipe. That's normal, hun. What's abnormal is your fat t self sat without your kids on a Monday night, abusing one of the MANY men you've met online. You're a car crash and the best thing you could possibly do for your children is, in fact, get in a car crash. You don't deserve the air you breathe, Kayleigh. You cheap fing brass. Honestly I hope the rumours about Ted aren't true because he's got no hope. And neither has Cheese. God fing bless them, they're gonna need a guardian angel to survive you.

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
Is that ment to make me jealous? My children are in bed after a lovely day spent together as a family! That I didn't do up for someone who I didn't even know their name! To still have my ex do everything he did before plus take the kids away from you aswell, I'm glad he does that as they are better looked after by Dan! I'm sat with my husband in our home with our cars on the drive that ain't battered like your clam! I also have a healthy bank account that I don't have to flash my gash for!
I don't stalk or harass you nor fabricated anything you make the drama yourself! I don't watch TV your my car crash TV I could just imagine you on Jeremy Kyle you would be a repeat guest with all your drama!
Babe don't flatter yourself we don't care about you your just our entertainment it's like a free trip to the zoo with yellow sticker frozen sandwiches 🤣
You put your feet up and chat to your next victim we know you have a few poor men to catfish on the go, not to date of course just for content on your social media
Apr 16, 2023
I'm thankful you all spend so much time thinking about me and spending most of your time commenting, watching , scrutinising, judging , stalking , harassing , fabricating and being creeps over me to be honest . People who I never even knew existed and couldn't give 2 fs about yet spend their life commenting about mine 🤣🤣 live your own lives you freaks and stop obsessing over mine .

Any whooo it's been fun , but I am currently busy being child free and putting my feet up with a nice cuppa tea xx

PS - just had a take away kebab that I didn't have to flash my gash to be able to afford 🤭 bet that makes you super jel don't it 😂