Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 23, 2023
I’d love to know what another biggish account messaged her, she’s left a message on her last post (before the dove/skinny tan post) . The woman was hacked the other day and has rebuilt her account literally over night by sharing it, I saw it the other day.What the hell is she associating with loubeg for?

Oh Lou don’t supposed you noticed that let us know what she wanted please.
May 22, 2023
Shes absolutely off her face cant keep her eyes open. Also why is she sp convinced she was going to be stabbed if it was just a roberery (watch me have not spelt that how she does) and she seen them leaving with her belongings. Also . Not drug related so not made enemy's. She thinks we're so thick. I have unfollowed her. She annoys me too much
Apr 30, 2023
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

They've obviously looked through her grid and stories and thought "Nah", did a dirty delete and nope'd the do outta there 🏃‍♂️💨💨💨 😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭💀
I said yesterday their marketing team would be off her page quicker than they went on 😂

Better luck next time, Lou, but don't hold your breath to work with any company. You're a dirty mess 👎
May 12, 2023
She’s off her head again lol. She’s complaining the people (assuming case workers on whatever scheme she’s on) were asking why she wasn’t at her house when it got robbed and she’s so affronted by it lmao. Yes Lou, if they get wind you’re not actually staying at that property every night they will do you out my love. It’s for actual people in need! So to cope with being held to account for once she’s gonna smoke some weed and get drunk, once she’s completed her “paperwork” for tomorrows meeting (topping up her wishlist)
Apr 30, 2023
She's off her tits again, can't keep her eyes open, mumbling and slurring more than normal, can barely string a sentence together
I took one of my close friends to lunch today because she's in the middle of her cancer treatment and this is her recovery week where she doesn’t feel nauseous, then l see this drugged up b in her latest stories.

Lou, you make me so mad because you don't realise how precious life is. I rarely use the hate word, but l hate this ungrateful b with a passion 😤