Lou @Lifewithloux

May 23, 2023
Did you see how needy she was?! Like NO don’t leave me 🥺 sit next to me on the bed! Shes never going to leave him and put her kids first i dunno why people can’t see no matter what she says she wants to be with him. Hes always doing the dumping never her
Proper needy. I notice that he seems more interested in food and cooking than she is as well. Not saying he’s a saint but he seems way more together than her!


Sep 7, 2023
Here’s what I can’t understand (well, there’s a lot I can’t understand!) if Ste is supplying her how come she’s always more smacked out than him. He doesn’t strike me as the chivalrous type who would give away more than he takes, and he’s more slight than her, so how come he functions more and speaks clearly?
I dunno I can imagine he enjoys the peace when she nods out, might give her a bigger cut just for a rest seeing how she whines at him on live lol

Stes glamdad

Aug 17, 2023
On a serious note though she is unstable and not capable of looking after herself anymore. How are the support workers etc not seeing this and doing something about it! I'm not suprised people on her lives are calling 999. I don't because I couldn't give as her kids are not with her but she really does need pitting somewhere for her own safety.
Using straighteners while asleep and smoking while asleep at the door. God knows what else she attempts to do while smacked up. She is gonna burn the hobbit hole down
Apr 30, 2023
Did you see how needy she was?! Like NO don’t leave me 🥺 sit next to me on the bed! Shes never going to leave him and put her kids first i dunno why people can’t see no matter what she says she wants to be with him. Hes always doing the dumping never her
Damn l missed this live 🙄 Needy women with men l want to shake. They think they can't manage without a man in their life.


Jun 3, 2023
This may have already been answered but when she moved into the bungalow she mentioned about getting a new contract sim and it having unlimited data so she wasn’t going to bother getting proper internet as there was no need. So she has no actual Wi-Fi and that is why she cuts out all the time because the signal is crap
Good thing no one has told her about social tariffs .
I have WiFi through BT on a social tariff as I'm on pip and uc ( disabled with degenerative illnesses but worked more than 2 decades beforehand) and its £15.00 and does me fine. Alot of places do it .
But of course that would cut into the choc choc and red bull fund


Sep 7, 2023
Good thing no one has told her about social tariffs .
I have WiFi through BT on a social tariff as I'm on pip and uc ( disabled with degenerative illnesses but worked more than 2 decades beforehand) and its £15.00 and does me fine. Alot of places do it .
But of course that would cut into the choc choc and red bull fund
i think she mentioned it in a live the other day, she’ll probs be begging for money in a couple of days so she can sign up, probs will say some bull like her tiktok lives aren’t doing well bc she needs wifi