mjbyrnex - Mel


Jun 1, 2024
SS at 17? But finding out at 20? Don't you have to be told ? She is making no sense at all. Clutching at draws trying to get the sympathy coin 😂😂😂😂😂
She's told this story 3 or 4 times now. It's getting like a game to her. It makes no sense why she wasn't removed at 17 if she was in so much danger? Oh she was trauma bonded! 🙄 With hindsight she's always changing her childhood reality to fit her stories now! She's one sick puppy!
Jul 4, 2024
She's told this story 3 or 4 times now. It's getting like a game to her. It makes no sense why she wasn't removed at 17 if she was in so much danger? Oh she was trauma bonded! 🙄 With hindsight she's always changing her childhood reality to fit her stories now! She's one sick puppy!
I think the bottom line is something did happen with her brother and her Mum didn't want to believe it and sided with the brother.
And Melissa cannot get past that. It's interesting that her POVs are nearly always about her Mum, not her brother. It's her Mum who lives rent free in her head.
It's her Mum who cut contact and that enrages Melissa as she didn't get her flounce off moment.
Whatever therapy Melissa has had has been a complete waste of time and money as she's a loose cannon.
She's had complete strangers on the internet telling her that they believe her and that gives her the validation she didn't get from her family.
Where it goes wrong for Melissa is that she's chasing the adoration and validation and has got addicted to the warm buzz she gets when she gets a few likes and comments.
And this is where, I believe, her exaggeration and embellishments come in. I think she's either misremembering things or she's deliberately using artistic licence to create content simply for the buzz. And the money of course.
This is just all my opinion of course. I may be wrong. I don't think I am.
What I am certain of is that Melissa is NOT creating content to help people who've been SA.
Nope. I'm not buying that at all.


May 23, 2023
How true is all that though? The more I watch her, the more I think she exaggerates to make them look as bad as she possibly can.
If the toothbrush tale is true, why didn't her Grandma buy her one? Her teeth were visibly in a bad way, so she states, so why didn't her adoring Grandma get her one or get her in at a dentist?
It just doesn't quite stack up.
If that was my younger family, would I se sit there quietly, I’d drag them to the dentist or chemist because as an adult, I know the importance of teeth.
She can say they all cared until she’s blue in the face, but that’s not normal or loving behaviour from family that “knew something was going on/SS were involved”, they should all be ashamed of themselves.


May 23, 2023
She's told this story 3 or 4 times now. It's getting like a game to her. It makes no sense why she wasn't removed at 17 if she was in so much danger? Oh she was trauma bonded! 🙄 With hindsight she's always changing her childhood reality to fit her stories now! She's one sick puppy!
I think she’s misinterpreting a legal follow up call from SS due to an anonymous report which went nowhere.

She can remember all these little details from conversations doing her POVs but can’t remember SS being involved and surprisingly there’s no paper trail…
Jul 4, 2024
It does not make one bit of sense that she was referred to Social Services but didn't know about it until three years later.
Now I'm not a Social Worker but I'm fairly sure that the subject of that referral would be spoken to. They don't receive reports, go and speak to all the extended family but not speak to the person directly. Melissa wasn't missing or refusing to deal with them because, by her own admission, she wasn't even aware that a report had been made so it's just unfathomable that she wouldn't be spoken to.
That's like the Police speaking to all the witnesses of a crime but not speaking to the actual victim.
There's so much crap in her stories that's questionable but this is really up there!

Just editing to add that Melissa really is showing her immaturity with the comments about her Mum not crying at her Grandma's funeral. I didn't cry at my Mum's funeral and I adored her. Grief is a funny old thing and one thing you do realise, as you get a bit of life experience under your belt (or a few more funerals) is that there's no right or wrong way to grieve.
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Sep 19, 2024
It's obvious that Mel is angry and upset because her mother was the one cutting contact not Mel.

All these videos are about her mum yet nearly none about her brother who apparently SA her. It's just very odd as she says the tiktok page is for survivors and a safe space.

I do really feel sorry for the husband and his kids to be subjected to this madness.


May 23, 2023
It does not make one bit of sense that she was referred to Social Services but didn't know about it until three years later.
Now I'm not a Social Worker but I'm fairly sure that the subject of that referral would be spoken to. They don't receive reports, go and speak to all the extended family but not speak to the person directly. Melissa wasn't missing or refusing to deal with them because, by her own admission, she wasn't even aware that a report had been made so it's just unfathomable that she wouldn't be spoken to.
That's like the Police speaking to all the witnesses of a crime but not speaking to the actual victim.
There's so much crap in her stories that's questionable but this is really up there!

Just editing to add that Melissa really is showing her immaturity with the comments about her Mum not crying at her Grandma's funeral. I didn't cry at my Mum's funeral and I adored her. Grief is a funny old thing and one thing you do realise, as you get a bit of life experience under your belt (or a few more funerals) is that there's no right or wrong way to grieve.
She would have been told as SS would need her views/input on it and this is coming from someone who has been in that situation.
If she’s bullshitting, she needs to get some serious help.
Jul 4, 2024
How did I miss her free clothes post?! She essentially is advertising that Joanie's clothes aren't suitable for tall people. The crotch on that jumpsuit 😳 She'll be getting a vaginal rash again 🤮 What an odd marketing choice for the company to make, to send clothes to someone who isn't going to make your clothes look good.

There's another excellent post over on Tattle regarding Melissa's narcissistic personality. Sums her up brilliantly.
May 22, 2024
How did I miss her free clothes post?! She essentially is advertising that Joanie's clothes aren't suitable for tall people. The crotch on that jumpsuit 😳 She'll be getting a vaginal rash again 🤮 What an odd marketing choice for the company to make, to send clothes to someone who isn't going to make your clothes look good.

There's another excellent post over on Tattle regarding Melissa's narcissistic personality. Sums her up brilliantly.
It's sad we all cannot join tattle as this lass deserves calling out so much by everyone who sees straight through her! She doesn't fool me in the slightest, she's proper batsh@t crazy. I see her Tik Toks and just laugh cos she's unhinged. People seem scared to call her out cos her mam might have been a tw@t when she was a kid, whoop de doo, who's childhood was easy?? I'd go so far as to say not only is she trying to kid others but she's kidding herself & she actually believes her own lies. Psycho is an understatement. I wouldn't let my kids anywhere near her crazy!! She pretends to be a right victim but I bet she's got a really dark twisted nasty side! I'd luv to hear her middle brother's opinion of her cos he will have seen it all. I think she hates on him cos he knows everything about her. Not sure if the husband's a full picnic either as he seems to think she's normal, he's well under her spell. C'mon tattle let new people join!! We've got loads to say about crazy big mel.
Jul 4, 2024
100% she's got a dark side. We see flashes of it when someone rattles her cage by asking an innocent question that she doesn't like.
I'd be interested to hear from the Mum's of Andrews kids. They can't be happy that their kids are repeatedly being used as a flag for Melissa to wave. How much quality time does he actually spend on his own with them? All they seem to do is trudge from one place to another. No wonder they don't stay more than one night.
May 22, 2024
She would have been told as SS would need her views/input on it and this is coming from someone who has been in that situation.
If she’s bullshitting, she needs to get some serious help.
Social services would deffo speak to the child if they were worried about how safe she was at home!! I've been in that situation too like you an they came to school to speak to me at first then other places. Some of big mels followers seem to believe everything she says, they don't seem to see how sly & manipulative she is.
May 22, 2024
100% she's got a dark side. We see flashes of it when someone rattles her cage by asking an innocent question that she doesn't like.
I'd be interested to hear from the Mum's of Andrews kids. They can't be happy that their kids are repeatedly being used as a flag for Melissa to wave. How much quality time does he actually spend on his own with them? All they seem to do is trudge from one place to another. No wonder they don't stay more than one night.
I wonder if her husband is scared of her. I bet when she's angry she is nasty & cruel to him. I bet she's a force to be reckoned with when she's lashing out physically. Then there is her emotional rage, I bet she's cruel & horrible when she loses it. Sometimes he looks so dazed by her. That's why I wouldn't let my kids anywhere near her.


Jun 1, 2024
I wonder if her husband is scared of her. I bet when she's angry she is nasty & cruel to him. I bet she's a force to be reckoned with when she's lashing out physically. Then there is her emotional rage, I bet she's cruel & horrible when she loses it. Sometimes he looks so dazed by her. That's why I wouldn't let my kids anywhere near her.
I've wondered that too! He cowers around her and I think he looks scared to put a foot wrong most of the time! She acts so superior towards most people but mainly him! 😥
Sep 19, 2024
I've wondered that too! He cowers around her and I think he looks scared to put a foot wrong most of the time! She acts so superior towards most people but mainly him! 😥
Am sure she has said before she used to be awful to him? And lash out? Wouldn't surprise me if she was physical towards him! Yet the husband looks and acts like a doormat so it probably just goes over his head 🤦 I saw someone say that he likes a bit of 🌱 so the pothead wouldn't even know what happened 😂.

Mel is has 100 percent got him under the thumb and she wears the pants in the relationship.
Sep 19, 2024
Why would her middle brother get the police involved if Mel talks about him? And so what if he does what can the police do ?

Really need to stop looking at this comments and then use it for views 😬

Currently watching her on live and Andrew looks like he wants some pot 😂
Sep 19, 2024
Why would her middle brother get the police involved if Mel talks about him? And so what if he does what can the police do ?

Really need to stop looking at this comments and then use it for views 😬

Currently watching her on live and Andrew looks like he wants some pot 😂

And why you lose friendships for being together? Isn't because he is a lot older? Maybe as previously mentioned he is a shag bandit? Or maybe they split up because of him playing away? Too many men play the mental health card when it comes to cheating.