Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
Ok I’ll admit when I’m wrong. Looks like she does have staples. But I see no iodine disinfectant on there ??
And if she is really proud of showing that off she’s disgusting. Even putting that on fb is beyond low imo. That doesn’t take away from the fact she took a picture to prove she got them. Why would she feel the need to prove things. Oh that’s right she lies about everything. No one did that too you , no one makes you do. You do that to yourself to gain attention. It’s gleamingly obvious. Why take a picture otherwise? You are making a mockery of the poor people who have no other way out but to hurt themselves.
You say you try to actually kill yourself when you do it if so why there why not the wrists? If it was truly an addiction then you would do it every day. If you are trying to compare it to smoking or drinking why not do it everyday. Your lies make no sense and you are a joke!
May 14, 2024
Who even puts s like that on Facebook! Like she’s fing proud of it! She’s bursting with pure joy over it like 🤮 boils my piss the way she goes on
Totally agree with you that's just sick , I swear it's about time she was locked up . Not only have I been in touch with the bbc because my cousin is a reporter , I've now emailed a couple of magazines and a few papers I can think of 😒 ..


Jun 15, 2024
northern ireland
Coming on just to say this and then I’m coming back off as I can’t be arsed. Sabrina putting screenshots up to protect yourself because the po po doesn’t want to do anything about it. Your not worried about yourself, all your worried about is your home and pets. Now come off it now seriously. Stop it now. No one is going to come near you or attack you. Someone say about putting your door through basically is referring to because you SH some day someone will have to break entrance if you do SH and goes wrong. If someone was going to do you harm it would have happened by now. All I will say is please do get yourself help and councilling, you do need to think about your mental health and this will not help you in any shape or form.
May 6, 2024
Northern Ireland
This was on he fb page today
What a dirty attention seeking bastard putting something like that on social. The twins mum shouldn’t let them near this melter again. And her dumbass neice should keep Jodie away too. Maybe encourage them wanes to slit slit too.

And saying she’d never talk about dirt site again , you couldn’t go a fing hour Sabo. WE ARE YOUR CONTENT. Sure away there and lick your wounds. Dirty dirty t