Choked on your whatchoked on my cock there that would be class
Choked on your whatchoked on my cock there that would be class
Use Jamie’s skate board to hit someone with it please tell me someone got that on screen recordIs she for real? If someone went to give her a well deserved slap she thinks if she shouts at them she will scare them away
Choked on your what? Are we interrupting something?choked on my cock there that would be class
Throw her sofa cos she's a bull think she means bullyOhhhhhh anyone comes to her door better prepared for what she will do.
I missed that she bores me I just tune in now and againUse Jamie’s skate board to hit someone with it please tell me someone got that on screen record
Supposedly so and that fella she was on about Josh it was his girlfriend I didn’t see it so I can say but I do know none of them speak nowShe never put her hands on anybody in her life other lie did she not hit the neighbour before
Yeah yeah, WHATEVER AshleyCOKE !! ffs