Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


May 6, 2024
Came running here to post about this! Why is she staking a claim to the SIL’s apartment?! She is so overbearing and presumptuous. She’s latched on real hard to Kuki lately - remember, her house is Rocco’s second home apparently!
It is so incredibly obvious how she just uses her SIL! She just wants the benefits of Kuki ….

Kuki looks after Rocco for FREE
Staying in Kuki’s apartment in Turkey for FREE
Using Kuki as her book accountant for FREE

and…. Sevda gets a kick out of…

Going one step too far in the name of joking around…but she ends up in her immaturity, insulting Kuki.

Example; Condescendingly putting down Kuki’s cooking (yet, especially this last year, Kuki & Tom ‘s roast dinners and most other meals look far better & tastier than Sevda’s!!!)

Another example; belittling the older daughter - saying the wrong thing and embarrassing or exposing her.

Another example; saying to the whole of TikTok that Tom & Kuki’s house is cold because they can’t afford to turn up the heat.

Sevda is just an immature, very rude person.
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Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
She trips over her evil lies daily. And yet…she thinks the evil eye will protect her from evil. Make it make sense Sevda! I call it Karma. What you spread around comes back at you. If you spread evil (lying) ..then evil will come back on you.
💯 no amount of evil eyes and cleansing pots will help her out, she has spread so much hate and lies it’s unreal


May 6, 2024
Just going to drop this here
On Sunday it’s the Turkish Cypriot festival in Enfield I see Dil and family and Cinders wish and many others are going, wonder if she does I mean she harps on she is Turkish Cypriot (but born in the uk) she has heritage that’s all lol she didn’t go last year and this is in its 7th year.
Its only approx 50mins by train would say less by car
Oooo, but dare she risk going along, where videos or pictures taken will end up on social media… that will reveal the UNFILTERED Sevda?! She’s very scarily different looking! 😳😱


May 6, 2024
She could not be any faker and less genuine in that video if she tried. Absolutely lying dickhead. She’s been reading here so now she’s missing sedat and he’s missing her. He’s missing her like a fing hole in the head.
He’s most likely making the absolute most of his last few days without Sevda!! I hope he’s had a good dose of some thrills of his life because he certainly isn’t going to be riding any rollercoaster thrill when he’s back in the old people’s home. Back to the sofa to sleep, all on his own!

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Oooo, but dare she risk going along, where videos or pictures taken will end up on social media… that will reveal the UNFILTERED Sevda?! She’s very scarily different looking! 😳😱
But would be funny but I can’t see it tbh myself lol I was watching some of Dils videos and one where she went to Dils shop it’s was Dils video when she got home made me howl that she had a really bad headache I am not surprised with having her around you moaning and droning lol 😂

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Just seen Mine video of the cake for dinner fing hell lass thought you was shoving that fork all in your mouth 2 extremely large mouthfuls and only half left and then went to say she is sharing it round the table, mummy dearest that’s so kind of you lol 😂 is that another dig at begda lol 😂 or taking the piss as she has nearly eat it all lol 😂
Mar 8, 2024
He’s most likely making the absolute most of his last few days without Sevda!! I hope he’s had a good dose of some thrills of his life because he certainly isn’t going to be riding any rollercoaster thrill when he’s back in the old people’s home. Back to the sofa to sleep, all on his own!
I hope he’s had a ball. And realised what a fing drainer his wife is.
Mar 2, 2024
Just seen Mine video of the cake for dinner fing hell lass thought you was shoving that fork all in your mouth 2 extremely large mouthfuls and only half left and then went to say she is sharing it round the table, mummy dearest that’s so kind of you lol 😂 is that another dig at begda lol 😂 or taking the piss as she has nearly eat it all lol 😂
She has the smallest lips on the biggest body. Such an odd looking hippo.


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Mar 1, 2024
Just going to drop this here
On Sunday it’s the Turkish Cypriot festival in Enfield I see Dil and family and Cinders wish and many others are going, wonder if she does I mean she harps on she is Turkish Cypriot (but born in the uk) she has heritage that’s all lol she didn’t go last year and this is in its 7th year.
Its only approx 50mins by train would say less by car
Interesting that she’s never shown herself going to this considering how much she goes on about being Turkish 🤔