Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
She missed an option...

1. Black?
2. White?
3. Don't matter I still look a t ?

Number 3 hands down lol 😂
pnc arena hockey GIF by Carolina Hurricanes
Mar 2, 2024
Watched kukis videos about her trials and tribulations. Look, getting a fine isn't nice but it is your responsibility to check where you're driving. The college thing sounds like an easily resolved error that the pair of them (her and tom) blew out of proportion and embarrassed their child.

I wish I had their problems, honestly.

There's people in her comments suggesting she shares a link so people can donate to her to help with the fine. Wtf??


May 6, 2024
She hardly has any comments. Other creators don’t bother. She’s not cut out for it but thinks she’s the dogs bollox. Her adverts, my god, I’m dying with second degree embarrassment . Wooden just like her s furniture,

…….why she is NOT embarrassed by her adverts compared to other creators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She’s atrociously so bad at doing them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comedy gold though for everyone watching them!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


May 6, 2024
This is exactly spot on! She only has around 50 comments yet 1.8m followers? Numbers don’t match
And this is what brands are realising more & more! They already know she deletes and blocks people all night long and they know she ‘buys’ followers. It makes sense as thousands of other creators with a lot less followers than Sevda, have far more views and comments!!!
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May 6, 2024
Begs most watched viral video has 4.5 mil and Falasious most viral video has 7.5 mil.
Beg has 1.8 mill followers (majority are bought) Falasious has only 368k and she gets more views and engagement. That speaks Volumes to me.
And THIS is what brand researchers notice 😉

She’s dug herself her own grave trying to cover up how many people find her a neglectful, irresponsible mother, a controlling wife, a rubbish cook and an overall lier…by how she deletes and blocks people who simply ask questions about her meals, or expose her lies, controlling behaviour and her irresponsibility regarding her daughter, etc, etc, etc….

She also is incredibly over sensitive to the point of ridiculousness if anyone even ‘suggests’ other ideas on something she had put together to eat or they know the ‘traditional’ recipe. She can’t take ‘suggestions’ without taking offence. It’s an insane response on her part to just delete and block! Or if anyone says something to help with Ela’s education catch up….she deletes them!

If she was innocent in all of the above, and if she was a confident happy person, she wouldn’t try to hide the comments…..well actually…she wouldn’t have the querying comments if she was a happy responsible mother, a good wife and a good cook. But even if she still got querying comments and was a great person in all those areas, she would not be offended and any that are just ‘nasty’ comments …she’d just ignore…but she would NOT go on a deleting & blocking spree.

She KNOWS deep down most of what people query her on or comment on… true… but she thinks by deleting and blocking, she’s hiding the true exposure…when in fact….she is doing the opposite. Most people who follow her regularly will have seen some of the comments and then noticed they’ve been deleted….so they catch on she CANNOT seem to just ignore them….or they see some are just innocent suggestions and she doesn’t like it ….so she’s exposed for who she really is….an insanely insecure and nasty person reading what must be home truths….and deleting them.

Followers are also more & more discovering & viewing CC and othe ‘forums’ now as they want to check what’s being said about creators, etc. It’s like trip advisor….finding out what something is really like to get a better or fairer picture of what seems not quite right perhaps.. or to confirm what you already are sensing.

She’s actually contributing to her general downfall herself!
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Mar 1, 2024
And THIS is what brand researchers notice 😉

She’s dug herself her own grave trying to cover up how many people find her a neglectful, irresponsible mother, a controlling wife, and a lier…by how she deletes and blocks people who ask questions or expose her lies, controlling behaviour and her irresponsibility regarding her daughter, etc, etc, etc….

If she was innocent in all of the above, she wouldn’t try to hide the comments.

She KNOWS it’s all true even if she doesn’t see it all 100 per cent due to her narcissistic personality!
She’s struggling to get even 100 comments on some of her videos 😂


Aug 27, 2024
I can’t believe this dumb b gave Ela less than one slice of bread (being that crusts are removed) for her lunch because the brat wants time to eat the other s she packs for her. Kid acts like she’s the fing boss in that house and no one is telling her otherwise.
This is the rule in my house - fair enough my youngest is vegetarian, has been for 5 years and I respect his choice in that and do seperate , but still, I wouldn’t have ever given mine lunch boxes loaded with so much sugar


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