He probably is 12!What is it with these management people who look like teenagers
They’ve been selling those knives on Amazon for years. Can’t believe she said they were Turkish knives. I hate the way she cuts vegetables in her hands. I hope she cuts all her fingers off one day.Ffs- use a chopping board like the rest of us . Hoping she chops a finger off one day with her " Turkish knives " which she's talked about for ages.. turns out she bought the same ones off Amazon ..and they're German or something
Another case of the math ain’t adding up.Mine arms rest on her 10 stomachs however she pretends she eats the finest amount of food. How can you be that huge and only eat 300 cal dinner
Wtf is wrong with them? Why are they high profile? They’re the lowest of the low. Beggy Scumbags if you will.
But we’re the ones obsessed with her apparently!God she’s sad… Goes through who’s liked comments she doesn’t like to block them as well
The beg already does. She’s obsessed with talking about poo; her poo, elas poo, even the dogs fing poo. I remember Ela was sitting taking a s with the door open. Why? Because Begda mentioned it. For no reason at all, just did.Especially when Lara specifically told her no to share to TT but she doesn’t respect her decision and does it anyway, it’s really sad. I can see Beg doing the same with Ela when she grows up, sharing everything but with Ela I don’t think she’ll be smart or brave enough to ask her mum to not share anything of her life
The way my toes are curling resembling her cack hands because of the secondhand embarrassment this video induces. I bet no one asks her this. She’s a somebody only in her head. To the rest, she remains a nobody.Speaking of old videos, throwback to this cringey gem when Sevda was still skinny The GCSE acting and Narc delusions of grandeur as if anyone recognised her or knew she had a TikTok
View attachment RPReplay_Final1725546173.mov
Her T rex hands is all I notice. The way she holds them…she definitely is on the spectrum. I noticed she keeps them clenched in fists even when touching the other jacket/putting her arms through sleevesShe missed an option...
1. Black?
2. White?
3. Don't matter I still look a t ?
Seriously I wonder the same or she put her non existent lips together and has a granny mouth with saggy lines
Firty four or firty five I fink !How old is this melt? She looks mid to late 40’s around 47 I’d say. Can’t even string a sentence together without her tongue coming out or unable to pronounce “th”